bl831 / bin_stuff

command-line programs for performing mathematical operations on flat binary data files
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command-line programs for performing mathematical operations on flat binary data files

X-ray data manipulation utilities

convert, add, subtract, multiply or whatever

These short programs are convenient tools for manipulating and interconverting flat data files of type float, int, or short. I wrote them to "hack" X-ray images and electron density map files, but you might find more tricks for them to perform. Documentation is divided by program, with cross-referencing between them:

description of X-ray file formats

Brief description of how SMV, CBF and CCP4 map files work, and how you can manipulate them.


Convert 16-bit integers, such as SMV-formatted images into floating-point for overlay of or combination with X-ray data.


Convert text data into floating-point for overlay of or combination with X-ray data.


Add, subtract, scale and offset raw floating-point flat files with arbitrary headers.


Perform any C function on one or two raw floating-point flat files with arbitrary headers.


Add any kind of noise to floating-point flat files and output SMV-formatted X-ray data.


James Holton