black7375 / Firefox-UI-Fix

🦊 I respect proton UI and aim to improve it.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
5.24k stars 183 forks source link
firefox firefox-css firefox-customization firefox-theme firefox-tweaks hacktoberfest theme unixporn user-interface userchrome userchrome-styles userchromecss userstyles

Table of Contents :CONTENTS:

πŸ””πŸ”” Does the theme not work after installation?

You should copy [[./user.js][ ~user.js~ ]] file before the theme works.

The option system depends on user configuration, and nothing applies without settings. \ Also, real-time changes are difficult because of [[./docs/][technical limitations]] and require a restart.

Some settings [[][can be conflicted]] and should be explicitly set to =false=.

πŸ””πŸ”” Is your Firefox version =v102= or lower?

You [[][have to set]] =userChrome.compatibility.accent_color= to =true= additionally.

** Introduction [[][Proton]] is Firefox's [[][new design]], starting from Firefox 89. \ [[][Photon]] is the old design of Firefox which was used until version 88.

Proton's [[#why-proton][overall feel is good]], but there were a few things I [[#why-not-proton][didn't like]] and wanted to improve. \ That's why this project was born, and Lepton to denote light theme layer.

/Disclaimer:/ It works on Firefox 89 and above!! | Wiki | | | | | | | | [[][Installation Guide]] | [[][Screenshots]] | [[][Tutorial]] | [[][Options]] | [[][Compatibility Issues Solution]] | [[][Tips]] | [[][Show Off Your Config]] |


(Lepton's design :arrow_up:)

@@html:details>@@@@html:<summary@@ Feature List (Click) @@html:@@


** Installation Guide

Installation script (experimental)

Linux/Mac users:


bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"


Windows users: Run with powershell ([[][Does not work at Win7?]])

+BEGIN_SRC powershell

Powershell -c "Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iwr -useb | iex"


Manual Installation

You can see the [[][installation guide]] with screenshots on the wiki.

  1. Download files
    • Click the green ":arrow_down: Code" button above
    • Select ":package: Download ZIP"
  2. Find your profile directory
    • Open =about:support= in a new tab
    • Find the =Profile Directory(Linux)= / =Profile Folder(Windows)= entry
    • Click the =Open Directory(Linux)= / =Open Folder(Windows)= button
  3. Copy downloaded files
    • Extract the downloaded zip file
    • Copy the =user.js= file to the previously opened profile directory
    • Create a new directory inside your profile directory called =chrome=
    • Copy the remaining files from the extracted zip-file into previously created the =chrome= directory
  4. Restart Firefox

    • Click the =Clear startup cache…= at the top of =about:support=

    If you prefer Photon, see [[][Lepton's photon-style]].\ If you prefer Proton, see [[][Lepton's proton-style]].

** WHY Proton? I think a lot has improved.


(Proton's design :arrow_up:)

** WHY Not Proton? However, there are also many flaws.


(Photon's design :arrow_up:)

** Padding Comparisons [[]] [[]] [[]] [[]]

** Sponsors & Contributors

Thanks to all sponsors & contributors to this project for providing help and developing features!


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A list of all contributors can be found in [[./CREDITS][CREDITS]].

** Bug / Questions?

If you found a bug, please contact [[][issue]]. \ If you have any questions or inquiries, please contact [[][discussions]].

** FAQ