Closed ip2location closed 1 year ago
Thanks for the suggestion. I've added this to our to-do list.
It may be a little while before we can get to it. In the meantime if you want to give it a shot yourself you can use the ipstack module as a starting point. It converts IP_ADDRESS
, so the functionality should be pretty similar.
@ip2location thanks for the PR. Module has been merged.
I would like to introduce the IP geolocation API. It has the following advantages compare to other API providers.
Please consider as one of the database source in WordPress IP Geo Block. Feel free to ping me if you have any questions.
Sample Output of Security Plan (Commercial)
{ "ip":"", "country_code":"US", "country_name":"United States of America", "region_name":"California", "city_name":"Mountain View", "latitude":37.405992, "longitude":-122.078515, "zip_code":"94043", "time_zone":"-07:00", "asn":"15169", "as":"Google LLC", "isp":"Google LLC", "domain":"", "net_speed":"T1", "idd_code":"1", "area_code":"650", "weather_station_code":"USCA0746", "weather_station_name":"Mountain View", "mcc":"-", "mnc":"-", "mobile_brand":"-", "elevation":32, "usage_type":"DCH", "address_type":"Anycast", "continent":{ "name":"North America", "code":"NA", "hemisphere":["north","west"], "translation":{ "lang":"ko", "value":"북아메리카" } }, "country":{ "name":"United States of America", "alpha3_code":"USA", "numeric_code":840, "demonym":"Americans", "flag":"", "capital":"Washington, D.C.", "total_area":9826675, "population":331002651, "currency":{ "code":"USD", "name":"United States Dollar", "symbol":"$" }, "language":{ "code":"EN", "name":"English" }, "tld":"us", "translation":{ "lang":"ko", "value":"미국" } }, "region":{ "name":"California", "code":"US-CA", "translation":{ "lang":"ko", "value":"캘리포니아주" } }, "city":{ "name":"Mountain View", "translation":{ "lang":null, "value":null } }, "time_zone_info":{ "olson":"America/Los_Angeles", "current_time":"2022-04-18T23:41:57-07:00", "gmt_offset":-25200, "is_dst":true, "sunrise":"06:27", "sunset":"19:47" }, "geotargeting":{ "metro":"807" }, "ads_category":"IAB19", "ads_category_name":"Technology & Computing", "district":"San Diego County", "is_proxy":false, "proxy":{ "last_seen":18, "proxy_type":"DCH", "threat":"-", "provider":"-", "is_vpn": false, "is_tor": false, "is_data_center": true, "is_public_proxy": false, "is_web_proxy": false, "is_web_crawler": false, "is_residential_proxy": false, "is_spammer": false, "is_scanner": false, "is_botnet": false } }