blackstork-io / fabric

An open-source command-line tool for reporting workflow automation and a configuration language for reusable templates. Reporting-as-Code
Apache License 2.0
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Codifying and automating mission-critical communications with standardized and reusable templates. [Releases]( | [Docs]( | [Slack]( ![GitHub Repository stars]( ![GitHub Release]( [![Join Slack](](

Fabric is an open-source Command-Line Interface (CLI) tool with a configuration language designed to encode and automate content generation for cyber security and compliance.

The diagram illustrates a Fabric template and the corresponding rendered document

Fabric generates documents based on modular templates written in Fabric Configuration Language (FCL). Template authors can delineate data requirements and content structures within the template, significantly reducing the manual effort associated with data consolidation and improving re-usability.

The plugin ecosystem expands Fabric's capabilities by offering integrations with various platforms, data stores, and security solutions, including JSON/CSV files, Elastic, OpenCTI, Splunk Cloud, GitHub, and more. A comprehensive list of supported plugins is available in the documentation.

To facilitate flexible content generation, Fabric content providers leverage powerful Go templates and incorporate capabilities such as generative AI/LLMs (OpenAI API, Azure OpenAI, etc).

Refer to the documentation for in-depth details about Fabric.

Fabric is currently in the early stages of development, and there may be some issues. If you have any suggestions, ideas, or bug reports, please share them in Fabric Community slack.


Installing Fabric

Fabric binaries for Windows, macOS, and Linux are available at "Releases" page in the project's GitHub.

To install Fabric:

For example, the steps for macOS (arm64) are:

# Create a folder
mkdir fabric-bin

# Download the latest release of Fabric
wget \
    -O ./fabric_darwin_arm64.tar.gz

# Unpack Fabric release archive into `fabric-bin` folder
tar -xvzf ./fabric_darwin_arm64.tar.gz -C ./fabric-bin

# Verify that `fabric` runs
./fabric-bin/fabric --help

Installing Fabric plugins

Fabric relies on the plugins for implementing the integrations with various data sources, platforms, and services.

Before the plugins can be used during the template rendering, they must be installed. Fabric's sub-command install can install the plugins automatically from the registry.

To install the plugins:

The plugins are downloaded and installed in ./fabric folder.

It's not necessary to install any plugins if you are only using built-in data sources and content providers in your templates


The command line interface to Fabric is fabric CLI tool.

The core sub-commands are:

To get more details, run fabric --help:

$ ./fabric --help
  fabric [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  data        Execute a single data block
  help        Help about any command
  install     Install plugins
  render      Render the document

      --color               enables colorizing the logs and diagnostics (if supported by the terminal and log format) (default true)
  -h, --help                help for fabric
      --log-format string   format of the logs (plain or json) (default "plain")
      --log-level string    logging level ('debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error') (default "info")
      --source-dir string   a path to a directory with *.fabric files (default ".")
  -v, --verbose             a shortcut to --log-level debug
      --version             version for fabric

Use "fabric [command] --help" for more information about a command.


You can find free Fabric templates in Fabric Templates repository.


Visit for full documentation.


If you suspect any vulnerabilities within Fabric, please promptly report them using GitHub's security advisory reporting. We treat every report with the utmost seriousness and commit to conducting a thorough investigation.

We kindly request that you converse with us before making any public disclosures. This precautionary step ensures that no excessive information is divulged prematurely, allowing us to prepare a patch. Additionally, it gives users enough time to upgrade and enhance their system security.


Fabric is licensed under Apache-2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for the details.