blairfrandeen / 2022-AoC

Wherein I pretend I learned anythign at all about programming int he last year
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Advent of Code 2022

Wherein I learn me some Rust.

Helper Script Instructions

To download puzzle input and add module for a given day, simply run

python 2022 X

where X is the day. This will:

Puzzle input is downloaded by finding the Advent of Code login cookie from Firefox. Works in Windows with WSL, probably doesn't work elsewhere.

Running Puzzle

Run code using cargo run 2022 X where X is the day. Using cargo run 2022 X test to run from the inputs/2022.x.test file.

Summary of Puzzles

A reference for me to remember what the puzzles are and what I've learned, and what is the work to go.

Day 1

Summing grouped lists of numbers. As usual with early AOC problems: conceptually easy, and lots of trouble parsing the input. Solved by storing calorie counts in mutable vector, and then applying sort() followed by reverse(). Used a slice to get the sum of the top three for part 2.

Day 2

Rock-paper-scissors. I probably went over-the-top with this one, reating enums for Rps and GameResult. At the time a good refresher for me in using enums. I think the code ended up very clear, and very verbose at 120+ lines.

Day 3

Requires splitting strings of characters in the middle, and then finding the letter that appears in both. This one was hard in Rust. The find_common() function took some copying from StackOverflow to get right, and took some trickery with HashSet that wasn't obvious tome. For part 2 I ended up using iter.next_chunk() from the nightly build, although I think others had solutions using

Day 4

Input is two ranges of numbers, goal is to find ranges that are fully contained by another (part 1) and those that overlap (part 2). In hindsight I think this may have been better to write using RangeInclusive, and I actually could have built on it to help with Day 15, where I used ranges extensively.

Day 5

Moving stacks of containers around. The first part I solved using classic pop() and push() operations. The second part I rewrote to move entire chunks of vectors around. I ran parts 1 and 2 in the same algorithm, and for part 1 simply reversed the chunks. Parsing was a bit challenging, and in some ways more challenging than the actual algorithm, as there were two sections of puzzle input to parse. Knowing what I know now about nom I probably could have done it more cleanly.

Day 6

This problem involved looking through a string of characters for a "signal" that is made up of some number of unique characters. Part 1 needed 4 characters, part 2 14. I was smart enough to make this a variable so that running part 2 was trivial once part 1 was working. My find_marker() algorithm created a new HashSet for every window it looked it--would it have been better to update an existing HashSet instead?

Day 7

Building a directory tree and finding sizes of directories. This was the first problem that I felt was getting challenging, and I ended up skipping it for several days. I initially tried to use nom, and at one point thought it would be a good candidate for Rc<T>, and I ended up using neither.

I ended up solving this by using a HashMap<String, u32> as my main data structure, where the keys were the full directory paths, and the values were the sums of the file sizes. In parsing the input I ignored all file names, as well as any output from the ls command that showed sub-directories, as those were investigated anyways. It took me a bit to get my own cd command working, and getting it to output unique & useful path strings. At the end of buliding the directory map I still had to manually remove the blank directory so I didn't confuse it with root ("/").

Day 8

Looking at heights of trees in a grid. For this one I started and made a Grid structure, which I later improved upon for Day 12. I ended up having to hard-code the four directions to get the solution for both parts 1 & 2. I would have liked to have an easier & less repetitive way to do it.

Day 9

Rope mechanics. Figure out all the points that the tail end of a rope (or any point on a rope) touches given the path of the head of the rope. I wrote a simple Position struct with X & Y coordinates. Again a good amount of hard-coding for the follow() function, when I'm sure there was a way to do it simpler. Part 2 I think required a bit of re-writing, but ended up being the same functions as part 1, simply applied to a different position on the rope.

Day 10

Given a signal, find where to render pixels on a CRT screen. This one was fun, as the output for part 2 got rendered in santas and christmas trees.

Day 11

Monkeys throwing items everywhere, with ever-increasing worry. This one was hard, and I didn't get part 2 without looking for some big hints. Without taking the modulus of the increasing worry, the number would overflow. Some parsing challenges as well, which is a reminder how nice it is that the AoC inputs are predictable and error-free. This is the first one where I wrote a function that returns another function using Box<dyn Fn>. I still don't understand what the move keyword does in this context.

Another flaw in my solution here is that parts 1 & 2 are not distinct; I have to change the code to get one or the other.

Day 12

A search problem. Given a grid of elevations, find the shortest path from the low point to the high point. Only able to move up one elevation at a time. I re-used and improved upon my Grid struct in for this. I think I came pretty close to getting the solution using BFS without any help, but I screwed up twice. First, I forgot that BFS uses a queue rather than a stack. Second, I spent a long time troubleshooting a BFS algorithm I had copied, because I misread the instructions, and didn't realize that you could move down by any number of stepsthat BFS uses a queue rather than a stack. Second, I spent a long time troubleshooting a BFS algorithm I had copied, because I misread the instructions, and didn't realize that you could move down by any number of steps. RTFM problems.

Day 13

Unpacking and comparing lists. Stuck on this one. All of my unit tests pass, and I get the right answer for the test input. I think I could go back to using nom on this one, and write a recursive algorithm to keep unpacking things until they are comparable. My current strategy is just to convert whatever I get to a vector, and it's not working.

Day 14

Given a map of a cave, where does all the sand end up if dropped in? Another fun one, with a great ASCII visualization for the output (not requried, but worth it). Getting the cave structure built was challenging since the input only gave me paths of where the rocks were. I had to rewrite some logic from the Grid struct, which wasn't worth fully re-using here.

I had my algorithm for dropping sand return a Result<(), &str>, and both parts 1 & 2 kept dropping sand until it returned an error of some sort.

Day 15

Find the beacon that is sending the distress signal. Given coordinates of sensors and their nearest beacon, where is the one coordinate that isn't covered? I did a lot of manipulating of ranges for this, including merging, truncating, and finding total coverage.

Part 2 of this puzzle takes an embarassingly long time to run, although it does work. Definitely a candidate for optimization & finding an overall better algorithm than what I came up with.

Day 18

Finding the exposed surface area of a set of cubes with known coordinates. For part 1, I went through all known points, found how many neighbors each point had, and subtracted that from 6 to get the number of exposed sides.

Part 2 of this also takes embarassingly long to run, since I was only looking for external surfaces. My strategy was to find the inverse of the shape I was given, then break that inverse up into continuous chunks, which essentially used a BFS algorithm, then count the surface area of those chunks, and subtract it from the first answer I got.

Day 20

Sorting & mixing a ring buffer. Currently stuck, in the process of rewriting so that the original index of an item is tied to the value.

Day 21

Monkeys yelling numbers at each other, trying to figure out what the "root" monkey yells. I solved part 1 fairly easily using a HashMap. I kept iterating through what was left of the input until the HashMap could be fully filled out, and then simply queried the "root" value.

Currently stuck on part 2, where I need to set the value for what "humn" yells to get "root" to yell something intelligible.