blakeNaccarato / copier-python

Copier template for Python projects
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copier-template python


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This is a Copier template for Python projects, allowing for template evolution over time and sharing across projects. It is strongly recommended you follow dev machine setup before following steps for generating a project from this template. In short, you should have Git, VSCode, Copier, Python, and the cross-platform PowerShell (with profile configurations to activate .env variables), installed to get the most use out of this template.


This template should set up tooling that will help you as you code. Contributor and CI workflows in this template are tested on Windows 2022, MacOS 13, and Ubuntu 22.04 runners. Static analysis "moves errors to the left", allowing you to catch issues as soon as possible. Linting and code checks run as you write to catch problems before you run/publish/package your code. Features include:

Account-enhanced features

Projects generated from this template have some features that require certain GitHub apps to be set up. They are not strictly necessary, but bolster code style, Git operations, reproducibility and test coverage efforts:

Dev machine setup

These requirements should only need to be installed once on a given machine. Until I unify the documentation, see this in-depth setup guide for details, including an Initialize-WindowsDev.ps1 script that magically does all of this for you on Windows (via winget. Also, make sure you set up a GitHub account. Parts of this template assume you are hosting your project on GitHub. This template sets up GitHub Actions for you, a continuous integration (CI) tool that checks code for correctness, publishes documentation, and more.

function Set-Env {
    Load environment variables from `.env`, activate virtual environments.
    $VENV_ACTIVATE_WINDOWS = '.venv/Scripts/activate'
    $VENV_ACTIVATE_UNIX = '.venv/bin/Activate.ps1'
    elseif ( Test-Path $VENV_ACTIVATE_UNIX ) { . $VENV_ACTIVATE_UNIX }

Generate a project from this template

Generating a project from this template involves creating a local folder, initializing the project, and publishing the repository on GitHub.

The templated project is now published on GitHub. The project owner will have to set a few more options in the GitHub repository settings to enable documentation and GitHub Actions workflows to work.

Final GitHub repository setup

Visit the newly-published GitHub repository, navigate to repository "Settings", and configure the following:


There is a lot still to do in this template, but the big one is the concept of "meta-templating". The saying that "one size fits all" doesn't hold in project templating. Rather, "many sizes fit most". I encourage you to fork this template and change the relevant links in your fork to take ownership of the template and modify it for your own needs.

I intend to set up a meta-templating solution over in copyit to automate this, facilitating the forking of templates from templates, to allow anyone to maintain their own template, periodically updating from whatever parent template they chose. This pattern allows individuals or teams to benefit from the templates of others, without being constrained by the opinionated choices of that template.

Other notable to-dos:


This template uses Copier to do the heavy lifting. An alternative Copier template I came across recently is pawamoy/copier-uv, which also uses uv like this template, and is slimmer in scope and approach. My template grew out of a need to ensure reproducibility for research code and facilitates "multi-repo" workflows, which is good for research code that incorporates lots of dependencies and acts as a "leaf" in the tree that is the Python ecosystem. To that end, my template features unique full-dependency-chain locking for every combination of operating system and Python version, a useful signal of research code reproducibility.

Pawamoy's template is a good choice for library development, where you are intentionally limiting your dependencies, and working on being a "branch" in the tree that is the Python ecosystem. There is no locking, but uv compiles and installs dependencies all the same. See their copier-pdm also for some locking capabilities.

See this comparison of Copier to other project generators to get an idea as to why you would use a Copier-based template over something like Cookiecutter or Yeoman. See also, PyScaffold. In summary, Copier facilitates template evolution and periodic project updating from the template, rather than a one-time scaffold for your project. This encourages continual updating of the template to suit your project needs.

Project information


Blake Naccarato
Blake Naccarato
