blakestone95 / AshkeepersRestWebsite

Website for a community of friends
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Ashkeeper's Rest Website

A Website project for me and my friends. We want to build a website for our community of friends and learn JS, React, Redux, etc. along the way.

Dev Environment Setup

Our dev environment is now set up to use Docker! If you cannot or don't want to use docker, follow the legacy setup instructions at the bottom of this README.


Installing the requirements is operating system dependent and is left as an exercise for the reader. Some helpful links are provided.

A note about IDEs

Use whatever you want, but if you're not sure what to choose, consider Visual Studio Code (VS Code). This is a fancy text editor that supports a rich development experience for JavaScript while still trying to be as lightweight as possible. While it doesn't need any plugins to be useful right out of the box, there are quite a few very useful ones out there. A later section will cover some VS Code setup.

Dev environment setup

  1. Copy the docker-compose.yml.example to docker-compose.yml

    • You can change any ports that conflict with any currently running services in docker-compose.yml
    • Ensure any changes are also reflected in the .env file that is by the install script created in step 3
    • If you aren't doing front end development, you can use the production client Dockerfile in your local docker-compose.yml as it is faster and lighterweight
  2. Spin up the docker containers with the docker compose command in the folder where the docker-compose.yml file is located

    docker-compose up -d --build

    • The first run will take a while as the containers need to be built but subsequent runs should be fast
    • You can use docker-compose up -d when you don't need to build the containers
  3. (Unix only) Create dependency folders

    mkdir ./server/vendor && mkdir ./client/node_modules

    • If these directories are not created by the user, they will be created by docker and automatically be owned by root, inaccessible to the containers
    • For a more customize setup, you may want to change the uid and gid that docker uses for the containers' users (just don't commit any of those changes to the repo). The containers use users with uid 1000 and gid 1000 by default.
    • The subsequent steps will fail with a permissions error if you don't do this part
  4. Run the server install script to setup Laravel

    docker-compose exec api bash -c "cd server && ./"

    • This installs PHP dependencies and seeds the database
    • You can rerun this command to revert the dev environment to it's default state
  5. Run the front end install command to setup React

    docker-compose exec client bash -c "cd client && npm install"

    • This installs JS dependencies and also loads any git hooks defined in githooks with a postinstall script
    • Use the follow command instead if you are using the production build:

    docker-compose exec client bash -c "cd client && npm install && npm build"

API Server

The api server should now be installed and running on http://localhost:8080/api/ (The trailing slash is important because otherwise nginx running in the docker container won't redirect the port correctly because the docker contianer port and the host port it's mapped to are different. So you will end up at http://localhost/api)

React Front End


The development build is the default configuration. To run the project, do the following:

  1. Enter the bash shell of the api container with docker-compose exec client bash
  2. Move to the front end directory with cd client
  3. Run npm start to run webpack dev server
  4. Access the dev site on http://localhost:8000 (rather than port 8080)

In development mode, you gain the following benefits:


If choosing to use only the production build, no additional setup is needed. The site can be visited at http://localhost:8080.

Docker usage

Current Structure

The current structure can be seen in the docker-compose.yml file. Folowing are descriptions of and notes for the containers:

Common/Useful Commands

Other Setup Notes

VS Code

Useful plugins:

Dev Environment Setup (Legacy)


Front End Setup

Must be done for each new setup

  1. In a terminal (CMD, Powershell, or a Unix terminal emulator), navigate to the client directory
    • Note: Opening a VS Code window to this folder will start a Powershell terminal there too (default terminal is powershell, this is configurable)
  2. Run npm install to install Node dependencies
    • Dependencies stored in node_modules folder in the same directory where the command is run
    • The postinstall script will also apply our git hooks to the project
      • We previously used husky to automate this, but it doesn't work correctly with docker

Running the Front End

  1. Run npm run watch to start up the dev environment
    • Runs webpack-dev-server
    • Watches for changes in its files and updates whenever it detects one

Back End Setup

Must be done for each new setup

Setup MySQL

It is assumed MySQL Server Community Edition Installer has already been downloaded

  1. Run the installer.
  2. Accept the license agreement.
  3. Choose the setup type you want. Recommended setup type is Developer Default (If you want something more lightweight, you can install products from GA servers only.)
  4. Install those products on the next screen.
  5. In the product configuration leave everything default unless otherwise specifically mentioned.
  6. In the authentication method configuration, select the use legacy authentication method option.
  7. When you get to accounts and roles pick a good password for root. You can use this account for the application in your development environment although it is not recommended to run everything on root in production
  8. Keep going using default settings until the finish.
  9. Installation should now be finished.
  10. Open up a MySQL Command Line Client, type in the root password, and enter in the following command CREATE DATABASE ashkeepersrestwebsite;

Setup PHP

  1. Go to your php installation directory, and copy/paste the php.ini-development as php.ini in the same folder.
  2. Open the php.ini file and change any settings you want to change in there.
  3. The following extensions should be enabled at the very least (if on windows):
    • php_mbstring.dll
    • php_openssl.dll
    • php_pdo_mysql.dll
    • php_curl.dll
    • php_fileinfo.dll
  4. If on linux, the extensions can be installed through the package manager.

Setup Laravel

  1. In a terminal (CMD, Powershell, or a Unix terminal), navigate to the Ash.BackEnd directory
    • Note: Opening a VS Code window to this folder will start a Powershell terminal there too (default terminal is powershell, this is configurable)
  2. Copy .env.example file to .env
    • This is local and will not be committed to the repo
    • Put your previously made MySQL password into the .env file in the DB_PASSWORD entry, and if you are not using the root user, change the DB_USERNAME parameter appropriately as well.
  3. Run composer install to install php dependencies
  4. Run php artisan key:generate to generate a key for the Laravel server

Running the Back End

  1. Make sure MySQL server is running
  2. Run php artisan migrate To scaffold any new database migrations (Do not have to do this on every run, but is a good idea after every pull)
    • If you want to seed the database as well, add the --seed option
    • If you get a PDOException::("could not find driver") at this point, it's because you don't have your php extensions configured correctly
  3. Run php artisan serve
    • Runs a local dev server
    • PHP supports live editing, so you do not have to restart the server for every change