An idea for a platform helping students and teachers of the Relational Model mastering query languages such as Tutorial D and SQL.
The current repository is currently used at the University of Louvain for the Databases course (formally LINGI2172) for auto-evaluating student submissions of a practical missions.
More information can be found by contacting Bernard Lambeau.
On a fresh git clone, with a decent ruby installation (i.e. including bundler):
Install dependencies
bundle install --binstubs
Some dependencies requiring C compilation may not install properly under MacOS. ARCHFLAGS
must be properly set during bundling. It is also possible to install those dependencies manually:
env ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" gem install pg -v '0.17.1'
env ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" gem install nokogiri -v '1.6.1'
Copy the config example files in config/
and adapt them to your environment.
Make sure that you have both PostgreSQL server and database matching your configuration
Two rake tasks db:drop
and db:create
exist you may need to adapt them a little
bit to your environment. Otherwise simply create the database manually.
Migrate the PostgreSQL database schema and seed some puzzles
bin/rake db:migrate
bin/rake db:seed[2014]
The seeds from 2014 are defined in database/seeds
. Please contribute any new
Make sure that you have both a Rel server and PostgreSQL database for the evaluation
tester, as described in the language
entry of the database.yml config file.
(Here also, a evaluator:install
rake task exists for PostgreSQL but might need
(for Rel, java -jar Rel.jar -f/tmp/rel-database -D
should make it roughly)
bin/rqp2 --help
bin/rqp2 help COMMAND
bin/rqp2 check assets/submission-example.xml
bin/rqp2 import --year=2014 assets/submission-example.xml
Make sure that both the PostgreSQL evaluation database and the Rel server exist. Then:
bin/rqp2 test
For now the submission to test against is the one from 'Bernard Lambeau'. Pull requests are welcome to make this configurable.
bin/rqp2 --year=2014 report
By default, the command generates .html reports in submissions/YEAR/
. It supports sending
email directly to students, but that options should certainly be used with much precaution.