Logical Verification 2019 - Installation Instructions
We have installation instructions for Windows, Linux, and MacOS.
As a backup plan, we prepared a virtual machine on which
Lean is already installed.
## Windows
### Get Lean
* Install Git for Windows: https://gitforwindows.org/.
Accept all default answers during the installation
(or, if you would like to minimize the installation,
you may deselect all components on the "Select components"
* Start the newly installed `Git Bash` by searching for it in the Windows
search bar.
* In Git Bash, run the command `curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kha/elan/master/elan-init.sh -sSf | sh`.
* Press `[Enter]` to proceed with the installation.
* Run `echo 'PATH="$HOME/.elan/bin:$PATH"' >> $HOME/.profile`.
* Close Git Bash.
### Get Python
* Download the [Python installer](https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.7.4/python-3.7.4-amd64.exe) and run it.
* Check `Add Python 3.7 to PATH`.
* Click on `Install Now`.
* Navigate to the folder where Python was installed. A reliable way to do this is to search for `python` in the Start Menu -> right click `Python 3.x (xx-bit)` -> open file location -> right click `Python 3.x (xx-bit)` -> open file location. The default location is something like `C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32`.
* Create a copy of the file `python.exe` called `python3.exe`.
* Open Git Bash (type `Git Bash` in the Start Menu).
* Test whether everything is working by typing `python3 --version` and `pip3 --version`. If both commands give a short output and no error, everything is set up correctly.
* If `pip3 --version` doesn't give any output, run the command `python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip`, which should fix it.
### Configure Git
* Run `git config --global core.autocrlf input` in Git Bash.
### Install Lean Tools
* in Git Bash, run
* `curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leanprover-community/mathlib-tools/master/scripts/remote-install-update-mathlib.sh -sSf | bash`
* `source ~/.profile`
### Install and Configure the Editor
1. Install [VSCode](https://code.visualstudio.com/). (You can accept all
default options.)
2. Launch VSCode.
3. Click on the extension icon ![(image of icon)](https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib/raw/master/docs/install/new-extensions-icon.png).
(or ![(image of icon)](https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib/raw/master/docs/install/extensions-icon.png) in older versions) in the side bar on the left edge of
the screen (or press `Shift-Ctrl-c`) and search for `leanprover`.
4. Click "Install" and wait for the installation to complete. Click the
"Reload" button if it appears.
5. Press `ctrl-shift-p` to open the command palette, and type
`Select Default Shell`, press enter, then select `git bash` from the menu.
6. Check that Lean is working: Create a new file using `ctrl-N`, save it using
`ctrl-S`, and name it `test.lean` in an arbitrary directory. Write `#eval 1+1`
into the new file. A green line should appear underneath `#eval 1+1`, and
hovering the mouse over it you should see `2` displayed.
### Install Our Logical Verification Repository
* Close VSCode.
* Open Git Bash.
* In Git Bash, use `cd` to go to the directory you want to place the project in (a new folder will be created for it at that location). For instance, you can use `cd ~/Documents` to go to your personal Documents folder.
* Run these commands in Git Bash:
* `git clone https://github.com/blanchette/logical_verification_2019`
* `cd logical_verification_2019`
* `leanpkg configure`
* `update-mathlib`
* `leanpkg build`
* Launch VSCode.
* In the `File` menu, click `Open Folder`, and choose the folder
`logical_verification_2019` (not one of its subfolders). If you used
`~/Documents` above, it will be located in your `Documents` folder.
* In the file explorer on the left-hand side, you will find all
exercises and homework in the `lean` folder,
as we upload them.
* You can retrieve the newest exercises and homework that we upload by clicking the two arrows forming a circle in the bottom left corner.
Debian/Ubuntu and Derivates
## Debian/Ubuntu and Derivates
### Install Lean
* Open a terminal.
* `wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leanprover-community/mathlib-tools/master/scripts/install_debian.sh && bash install_debian.sh ; rm -f install_debian.sh && source ~/.profile`
(will take some time)
### Install our Logical Verification Repository
* Use `cd` to go to the directory you want to place the project in. (A new
folder will be created for it at that location.)
* `git clone https://github.com/blanchette/logical_verification_2019`.
* `cd logical_verification_2019`.
* `leanpkg configure`.
* `update-mathlib`.
* `leanpkg build`.
* Launch VScode, either through your application menu or by typing `code`.
* On the main screen, or in the `File` menu, click `Open Folder`, and choose
the folder `logical_verification_2019` (not one of its subfolders).
* In the file explorer on the left-hand side, you will find all exercises and
homework in the `lean` folder, as we upload them.
* You can retrieve the newest exercises and homework that we upload by
clicking the two arrows forming a circle in the bottom left corner.
Other Linux Distros
## Other Linux Distros
Follow [these instructions](https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib/blob/master/docs/install/linux.md) and proceed by the instructions "Install our logical verification repository"
for Debian/Ubunutu above.
## macOS
* Open a terminal.
* Install homebrew by running
`/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"`. Press enter to continue
and enter your password.
* Run `brew install gmp coreutils`.
* Run `curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kha/elan/master/elan-init.sh -sSf | sh`.
Hit enter to proceed with the installation.
* Run `source $HOME/.elan/env`.
* Run `curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leanprover-community/mathlib-tools/master/scripts/remote-install-update-mathlib.sh -sSf | bash`. Press `y` if you are asked whether you want to install python3 and pip3.
* Run `source ~/.profile`.
### Set up VSCode
1. Download [VSCode](https://code.visualstudio.com/). Open `Finder`, click on
`Downloads`, and drag the downloaded file `Visual Studio Code` into
2. Open `Launchpad` and launch `Visual Studio Code`. Add `Visual Studio Code`
to your Dock by right-clicking on the icon to bring up the context menu and
choosing `Options`, `Keep in Dock`.
3. Click on the extension icon ![(image of icon)](https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib/raw/master/docs/install/new-extensions-icon.png)
(or ![(image of icon)](https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib/raw/master/docs/install/extensions-icon.png) in older versions) in the side bar on the left edge of
the screen (or press `Shift-Command-X`) and search for `leanprover`.
4. Click `Install`.
5. Check that Lean is working: Create a new file using `Command-N`, save it
using `Command-S`, and name it `test.lean` in an arbitrary directory. Write
`#eval 1+1` into the new file. A green line should appear underneath
`#eval 1+1`, and hovering the mouse over it you should see `2` displayed.
### Install our Logical Verification Repository
* Open a terminal.
* Use `cd` to go to the directory you want to place the project in (a new folder will be created for it at that location),
for example you can use `~/Documents`.
* Run `git clone https://github.com/blanchette/logical_verification_2019`.
* Run `cd logical_verification_2019`.
* Run `leanpkg configure`.
* Run `update-mathlib`.
* Run `leanpkg build`.
* Open VScode again.
* In the `File` menu, click `Open`, and choose the folder
`logical_verification_2019` (not one of its subfolders). If you used
`~/Documents` above, it will be in the `Documents` folder.
* In the file explorer on the left-hand side, you will find all exercises and
homework in the `lean` folder, as we upload them.
* You can retrieve the newest exercises and homework that we upload by
clicking the two arrows forming a circle in the bottom left corner.
Virtual Machine (for Any Operating System)
## Virtual Machine
* Download and install [VirtualBox](https://www.virtualbox.org/).
(Other virtualization software should also work.)
* Download the virtual machine from
* Open VirtualBox.
* Import the downloaded file via `File > Import Appliance`.
* Select the `.ova` file you downloaded, click `Continue` and then `Import`.
* Start the virtual machine by selecting `logical_verification_2019` and
clicking the `Start` button and wait for the system to boot.
* Open VSCode by clicking on the blue ribbon icon on the left.
* If you need the password for the virtual machine at some point, it is