blangel / ply

a sensible (so far java) build tool
Apache License 2.0
22 stars 11 forks source link


Build Status

Ply is a build tool. It is sensible, fast and a joy to use.


ply-util: ply clean test

Why Another Build Tool?

Other build tools make you work harder than you should have to. How hard? Stupidly hard:


At its simplest ply just invokes a series of scripts. The following is a valid series of scripts for ply:

$ ply clean compile

The series is space delimited so the previous example ran two scripts: clean and compile

Scripts can be extended and aliased. Ply ships with property defaults and packaged scripts which allow most java projects to build with no configuration. For a list of all scripts which ply ships with see Included Scripts.

To enable a directory/project to use ply, simply run init from within the directory:

$ ply init

Ok, I Want It!

Download the tar file ply.tar or the zip file

Un-package the tar/zip file to a directory of your choosing (say /opt/ply) and then make sure the following properties are set as environmental variables:

Finally add ${PLY_HOME}/bin to your $PATH

Bash Tab Completion (i.e., readline support)

Within the distribution is a file ply_completion.bash which provides Bash tab completion. To enable:

   $ sudo cp ply_completion.bash /etc/bash_completion.d/

Alternatively, add this to your bash profile (where you defined JAVA_HOME / PLY_HOME)

   $ . $PLY_HOME/ply_completion.bash

Updating Ply

Once installed, ply can update itself to the most recent version. Simply run:

   $ ply update
