blanosko / gas-meter-ha

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Table of Contents


This project draws significant inspiration from andr2000, techniczny, and Bee Guan Teo. Without their contributions this work wouldn't exist. I've undertaken a modernization effort, simplifying the original script and providing comprehensive documentation for seamless integration with Home Assistant.

For a deeper understanding, I referenced the following links:

Script differences

Original code by andr2000

My reworked code


Both scripts achieve the same task of performing multiple linear regression on meter readings data, but they use slightly different approaches and libraries. The choice between them depends on your preferences. Here are some considerations for each:

Code Usage

All of the following chapters explain how to use the code.



This guide assumes that you already have:

Additionally, you will need to have VSCode and Python installed on your computer. Also, you should install the non-built-in libraries with pip:

pip install pandas
pip install numpy
pip install sklearn-scikit

Meter Readings File Structure

Before you can leverage the script, you need to populate a meter_readings.csv file with real-world data from your gas meter and PrEnergySumHc1 and PrEnergySumHwc1 sensor values. Delete all rows in meter_readings.csv but leave the headers intact before taking your readings.

The CSV file should have these headers:

ebusctl w -c bai PrEnergySumHc1 0
ebusctl w -c bai PrEnergySumHwc1 0
ebusctl w -c bai PrEnergyCountHc1 0
ebusctl w -c bai PrEnergyCountHwc1 0

If the writing was successful, you should get a done message. You can verify if the counters were zeroed with read commands:

ebusctl r PrEnergySumHc1
ebusctl r PrEnergySumHwc1
ebusctl r PrEnergyCountHc1
ebusctl r PrEnergyCountHwc1

Taking The Readings

Repeat these steps for several days (at least a week, 2-5 times per day) to have a sufficient amount of training and test data for the linear regression model to work accurately.

  1. Go to your gas meter and take a picture of the value.
  2. Go to Home Assistant's entities page, find entities for PrEnergySumHc1 and PrEnergySumHwc1 sensors, and take note of the values closest to the time of the timestamp of the picture you took in step 1.
  3. Write the values to the corresponding headers in the meter_readings.csv file. Example:
09-01-2023 22:40,24616.338,19566,105508,1,initial

You should take the readings when the boiler is not heating water or radiators as the PrEnergySumHc1 and PrEnergySumHwc1 values go up really quickly.

Running the Script

After gathering some data over the course of the week, you can test if the model accurately predicts the meter value only from PrEnergySumHc1 and PrEnergySumHwc1 sensor values. Your meter_readings.csv file should look somewhat like this:

2020-01-11 15:14:00,1843.745,1731509521,95512561,1,
2020-01-11 15:59:00,1844.765,1731651626,96217644,0,
2020-01-11 16:32:00,1845.059,1731930564,96217644,0,
2020-01-11 18:34:00,1846.496,1733035086,96401092,0,
2020-01-11 19:37:00,1847.240,1733683455,96401092,0,
2020-01-11 21:12:00,1848.412,1733683455,96401092,0,
2020-01-11 22:55:00,1849.662,1735840618,96401092,0,
2020-01-11 22:55:00,1849.662,1735840618,96401092,0,
2020-01-12 09:11:00,1855.427,1740684467,96991672,1,all off
2020-01-18 12:48:00,1886.517,1768401999,96991847,0,heater only
2020-01-19 09:08:00,1898.164,1777031197,99165785,1,all off
2020-01-26 11:41:08,1943.195,1815033838,100915634,1,
2020-02-16 08:05:56,2086.340,1936061866,106764049,0,
2020-03-01 10:26:41,2163.419,1999047800,110623588,1,
2020-03-09 09:40:28,2196.933,2023293881,115682332,1,

Then run the script in VSCode, and after a while, you will get output that looks like this:

Intercept: -223.3709961454128461
Coefficients: 1.1744935040401950e-06, 3.5042417206893120e-07

R^2 (Training): 0.999992876795281
R^2 (Testing): 0.9997354519103557

MAE: 1.873640
RMSE: 2.429729

    valid             datetime     meter  estimated   error      comment
0       1  2020-01-11 15:14:00  1843.745   1843.746  +0.001          NaN
1       0  2020-01-11 15:59:00  1844.765   1844.160  -0.605          NaN
2       0  2020-01-11 16:32:00  1845.059   1844.487  -0.572          NaN
3       0  2020-01-11 18:34:00  1846.496   1845.849  -0.647          NaN
5       0  2020-01-11 21:12:00  1848.412   1846.610  -1.802          NaN
6       0  2020-01-11 22:55:00  1849.662   1849.144  -0.518          NaN
7       0  2020-01-11 22:55:00  1849.662   1849.144  -0.518          NaN
8       1  2020-01-12 09:11:00  1855.427   1855.040  -0.387      all off
9       0  2020-01-18 12:48:00  1886.517   1887.594  +1.077  heater only
10      1  2020-01-19 09:08:00  1898.164   1898.491  +0.327      all off
11      1  2020-01-26 11:41:08  1943.195   1943.738  +0.543          NaN
12      0  2020-02-16 08:05:56  2086.340   2087.934  +1.594          NaN
13      1  2020-03-01 10:26:41  2163.419   2163.263  -0.156          NaN
14      1  2020-03-09 09:40:28  2196.933   2193.512  -3.421          NaN

Then take the values of Intercept and Coefficients and paste them into the corresponding variables in the template sensor value:

  - sensor:
      - name: "Estimated gas consumption"
        device_class: gas
        state_class: total
        unit_of_measurement: "m³"
        state: >
          {% set HC = states('sensor.boiler_prenergysumhc1') | int %}
          {% set HWC = states('sensor.boiler_prenergysumhwc1') | int %}
          {% set COEF_1 = <ENTER COEFFICIENT 1 VALUE HERE> %}
          {% set COEF_2 = <ENTER COEFFICIENT 2 VALUE HERE> %}
          {{ (INTERCEPT + HC * COEF_1 + HWC * COEF_2) | round(3) }}

After importing this YAML config to configuration.yaml restart your Home Assistant instance, and you should find the new entity with name sensor.estimated_gas_consumption with an accurately estimated value of the gas meter. You could then add this entity in Energy Dashboard as gas consumption sensor.

If you can't select the entity in energy dashboard there could be some statistics errors present. Go to 'Developer Tools' > 'Statistics', find the entity and click 'Fix issues'. Then it should be possible to add the entity to the energy dashboard

And that's it!

OPTIONAL: Template sensor YAML generation

It is possible to add following code to the end of the script and after you have run in it will add the calculated intercept and coefficients and generate a YAML for you that you can directly use in Home Assistants configuration.yaml:

from string import Template
t = Template("""
  - name: "Estimated gas consumption"
    device_class: gas
    state_class: total
    unit_of_measurement: "m³"
    state: >
      {% set HC = states('sensor.boiler_prenergysumhc1') | int %}
      {% set HWC = states('sensor.boiler_prenergysumhwc1') | int %}
      {% set INTERCEPT = $intercept %}
      {% set COEF_1 = $coef_1 %}
      {% set COEF_2 = $coef_2 %}
      {{ (INTERCEPT + HC * COEF_1 + HWC * COEF_2) | round(3) }}

sensor = t.substitute({'intercept': MLR_INTERCEPT, 'coef_1': MLR_COEF_1, 'coef_2': MLR_COEF_2})


Accuracy of the model


Code explanation

Here you can read on what steps the script does.


Step 1: Import Necessary Libraries

Step 2: Define a Function for Testing Accuracy

Step 3: Importing Data

Step 4: Define Features and Target Variable

Step 5: Split the Data

Step 6: Create a Linear Regression Model

Step 7: Print Intercept and Coefficients

Step 8: Calculate and Print R^2 Values

Step 9: Calculate and Print Metrics

Step 10: Testing Accuracy on Meter Readings Dataframe

Math and output values explanations

As math behind the actual computations using linear regression is beyond me, here are simple explanations by ChatGPT

"Simple" by ChatGPT

Linear Regression: Imagine you have a bunch of data points on a graph. Linear regression helps us draw a straight line that best fits these points. This line can be used to make predictions or understand relationships between variables.

Multiple Linear Regression: Now, let's say we have more than one factor influencing the outcome. Multiple linear regression is like adding more dimensions to our graph. Instead of just one factor affecting the result, we have several.

Example: Think about predicting a student's exam score. In simple linear regression, we might use just one factor, like the number of hours they studied. But in multiple linear regression, we could consider multiple factors like study hours, sleep hours, and the number of snacks eaten. Each factor contributes to the final exam score.

Equation: The equation for a line in multiple linear regression looks like this: [ Y = b_0 + (b_1 \cdot X_1) + (b_2 \cdot X_2) + \ldots + (b_n \cdot X_n) ]

In Simple Terms: Multiple linear regression helps us understand how different factors work together to affect something. It's like figuring out the recipe for success in a complex situation, considering multiple ingredients instead of just one.

Intercept and coefficients

In the given script, the intercept and coefficients are related to the linear regression model. Here's what they represent:

  1. Intercept (model.intercept_):

    • The intercept represents the predicted value of the dependent variable (target) when all independent variables (features) are set to zero.
    • In the context of the script, the intercept MLR_INTERCEPT is the estimated meter value when both FIELD_HC and FIELD_HWC are zero.
  2. Coefficients (model.coef_):

    • Coefficients represent the change in the predicted value of the dependent variable for a one-unit change in the corresponding independent variable, holding all other variables constant.
    • In the script, MLR_COEF_1 and MLR_COEF_2 are the coefficients associated with FIELD_HC and FIELD_HWC, respectively.
    • For example, if FIELD_HC increases by one unit and all other variables remain constant, the estimated meter value would change by MLR_COEF_1 units.

So, in the context of the script:

These values help interpret the linear relationship between the independent variables and the predicted meter value in the context of the regression model. Keep in mind that interpretation may vary depending on the specific domain and characteristics of the dataset.

R values

The R-squared (R^2) value is a statistical measure that represents the proportion of the variance in the dependent variable (target) that is predictable from the independent variables (features) in a regression model. In other words, it quantifies the goodness of fit of the model.

Here's what the R-squared value means:

R-squared is often used as a measure of how well the independent variables explain the variability in the dependent variable. However, it has limitations. For example, it may not be a good indicator if the model is overfitting or if the relationships between variables are non-linear.

It's important to interpret R-squared in conjunction with other evaluation metrics and consider the specific context of the problem at hand. In regression analysis, it provides a useful but partial picture of the model's performance.

Error values (MAE and RMSE)

  1. Mean Absolute Error (MAE):

    • Formula: ( MAE = \frac{1}{n} \sum{i=1}^{n} \left| y{i} - \hat{y}_{i} \right| )
    • (n) is the number of observations.
    • (y_{i}) is the actual value of the target variable for observation (i).
    • (\hat{y}_{i}) is the predicted value of the target variable for observation (i).
    • MAE represents the average absolute difference between the actual and predicted values. It gives equal weight to all errors.
  2. Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE):

    • Formula: ( RMSE = \sqrt{\frac{1}{n} \sum{i=1}^{n} \left( y{i} - \hat{y}_{i} \right)^{2}} )
    • (n) is the number of observations.
    • (y_{i}) is the actual value of the target variable for observation (i).
    • (\hat{y}_{i}) is the predicted value of the target variable for observation (i).
    • RMSE represents the square root of the average squared difference between the actual and predicted values. It penalizes larger errors more heavily than MAE.

In summary:

Both MAE and RMSE are useful metrics for understanding how well a regression model is performing, and the choice between them depends on the specific characteristics of the problem you are working on.