blaskovicz / MagicStick

Integrated gatherer of magic
MIT License
4 stars 2 forks source link
12-factor angularjs api bower coffeescript database heroku html jwt magic-the-gathering node postgresql rbenv ruby scss sinatra sqlite travis website

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Create leagues and matches for yourself and friends.


Install Ruby

Although you technically don't need to utilize ruby through rbenv, this setup is recommended. If you already have ruby 2.4.1 installed, then you can proceed to the Download the Code section.

Get rbenv

Install ruby-build

Install ruby

Follow the instructions on the ruby-build page to install ruby 2.4.1. Note that if you want readline support, you can take a look at this guide.

Install Bundler

$ gem install bundler
$ rbenv rehash

Download the Code

$ git clone && cd MagicStick

Install Dependencies

Note: libpq-dev and libsqlite3-dev packages will be required to compile native database extensions. Please install those through your OS package provider (eg: sudo apt-get install libpq-dev libsqlite3-dev on ubuntu 16).

$ bundle install # backend dependences (`--path vendor/bundle` to install gems locally)
$ yarn install   # frontend and build dependencies (installed locally to `./node_modules`)

If you run into issues with $ bundle install and are using rbenv, please consult this post on stackoverflow.

Set Up Your Development Config

$ cp env.sample .env && chmod 0600 .env

You may want to change DATABASE_URL and SITE_BASE_URI, at a minimum.

Initialize the Database

$ bundle exec rake db:migrate

Run Grunt

$ grunt

grunt will compile and test all source files as they change. Additionally, it will launch the site via puma in development mode and restarted it upon file changes.

You can watch the output stream (STDOUT, STDERR) for debug emails, test failures, HTTP requests, etc.


The server should now be running at http://localhost:9393

Testing & Deployment


MagicStick utilizes TravisCI for testing and deployment to Heroku. See the .travis.yml for configuration details.


MagicStick is deployed via Heroku.

The configuration process is as follows:

# Create the heroku app
$ heroku create

# Add the postgres addon
$ heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql

# Optionally, to enable email, also add the sendgrid addon.
$ heroku addons:create sendgrid

# Optionally, to enable alerts, also add the raygun addon.
$ heroku addons:create raygun

# To support jwts generated via auth0
$ heroku addons:create auth0

# To build the site, configure the buildpacks:
$ heroku buildpacks:set -i 1 heroku/ruby
$ heroku buildpacks:set -i 2 heroku/nodejs

# Ensures dev-dependencies like grunt are installed for the build
$ heroku config:add NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=false

# Configure ruby rack to run in production mode
$ heroku config:add RACK_ENV=production

# Check out env.sample for other env variables of note
$ cat env.sample
$ heroku config:add OTHER_VAR=OTHER_VAL
$ ...

# Push to Heroku
$ git push heroku master

# Execute database migrations
$ heroku run 'bundler exec rake db:migrate'