blastedryan / 447-Petfinder

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Install Python

Go to the Python website and install Python 3.7 or 3.8

3.9 does not work!

Install Dependencies

Type pip install -r requirements.txt to install other dependencies

Opening Site

Open your console and navigate to the directory.

Navigate into the folder petsite.

If it is your first time running the site. Run python migrate and python createcachetable

Otherwise, Run python runserver or py runserver

Go to your browser and put in the address

Running Tests

Set up new environment variables: PETFINDER_KEY , PETFINDER_SECRET_KEY , PETSITE_SECRET_KEY, MAPBOX_API_KEY The values for the variables can be found in the google drive folder.

Instructions for setting up environment variables in windows

Instructions for setting up environment variables in mac

  1. Open terminal

  2. Run “nano ~/.bash_profile”

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the file and add these four lines, replacing <key> and <secret key> with the key you're given

    • export PETFINDER_KEY=<key>
    • export PETFINDER_SECRET_KEY=<secret key>
    • export PETSITE_SECRET_KEY=<secret key>
    • export MAPBOX_API_KEY=<key>
  4. Type “CONTROL+X”, then “Y” and “enter”

  5. Restart your ide or terminal and the variables should be setup properly

Run the tests for before this test (search.json must have something in it). Using Pytest either in Pycharm or Terminal you can run every test in the file tests/ or individual tests.

Tests can also be run with Pytest inside of tests/ and tests/

Each test is its own function inside of the file starting with the word ‘test’.

Information on how to use Pytest in Pycharm can be found here: and Pytest documentation for terminal commands can be found here:

The current supported tests, test the basic functionality of retrieving petfinder data. As we add the functionality for searching for specific criteria in future iterations, other tests in the suite will be added, testing said criteria (ie. a test exhausting the location formats when we work on a user story involving location)

Running Selenium Tests

  1. Open terminal
  2. Go into the tests directory.
  3. To run the selenium tests you must first install selenium by going to
  4. Then you must install a chrome webdriver from (Make sure it is compatible with your version of Chrome ie. 87, 86, or 85)
  5. You can run selenium tests with either Pytest or Unittest depending on your preference

In order to test the new descript modals feature, run After the actions take place, you should be able to interact with the map and and click on the clusters. You should be able to scroll through the popup to see the pets in that location. Click on any of the "More information" buttons, and you will see a modal popup with a bigger picture of the dog, as more information about the dog.