bldeng / GuidedDenoising

Guided Mesh Normal Filtering
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
175 stars 62 forks source link

Guided Denoising

This code implements the denoising algorithm in the following paper:

It also implements the denoising methods from the following papers for comparison:

The code has been tested on the following platforms:

Compiling the source code:

Make sure you have Qt ( installed . Then open the file src/ with Qt Creator, and build the source code.


The following table explains the functionality for the GUI icons.

icon functionality
open read a mesh from file (supports obj, ply and off files)
save save the mesh to file
point render vertices of the mesh
edge render edges of the mesh
face render faces of the mesh
background change the background color of the OpenGL area
about information about this software
Original Mesh show the original mesh
Noisy Mesh show the noisy mesh
Denoised Mesh show the denoised mesh
Clear clear the mesh


Please see the supplementary material for details about the parameters in each mesh denoising algorithm or see the code of each algorithm (function initParameters() in .cpp).


This software is released under GNU LGPL V3.


If you have any question, please contact Wangyu Zhang <> or Bailin Deng <>.