blegat / ContractionHierarchies.jl

Contraction Hierarchies shortest path for OpenStreetMap
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Contraction Hierarchies



When updating, it might be safer to clean up the cached files as they might not be compatible with the update:

$ find . -name '*cache' -delete

To compute the shortest time between two coordinates src and dst which are OpenStreetMapX.LLA in a single map map.osm.pbf, use

shortest_path("map.osm.pbf", src, dst)'

Note that this loads the map map.osm.pbf and first extract the whole map in a Julia datastructure. Then, it generates the graph with the data needed for shortest_path and store this graph in a file map.osm.pbf.cache. The second call of shortest_time with the same map will be much faster as it will directly read the graph in map.osm.pbf.cache and will not need to go through map.osm.pbf which contains other metadata that are not used by shortest_path.

Hierarchical map

The following example shows how to use the hierarchical map:

julia> using ContractionHierarchies

julia> h = HierarchicalMap();

julia> add_map(h, "europe", "andorra")
[ Info: europe/andorra: Downloading PBF format [/home/blegat/.julia/dev/ContractionHierarchies/data/europe/andorra/all.osm.pbf]
Progress: 100%|███████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:00
[ Info: europe/andorra: Converting from PBF to O5M [/home/blegat/.julia/dev/ContractionHierarchies/data/europe/andorra/all.osm.o5m]
  0.061672 seconds (57 allocations: 2.219 KiB)
[ Info: europe/andorra: Filtering out non-map data [/home/blegat/.julia/dev/ContractionHierarchies/data/europe/andorra/local.osm.o5m]
  0.148796 seconds (27.59 k allocations: 1.892 MiB, 19.03% compilation time)
[ Info: europe/andorra: Converting from O5M to PBF [/home/blegat/.julia/dev/ContractionHierarchies/data/europe/andorra/local.osm.pbf]
  0.074395 seconds (57 allocations: 2.219 KiB)
[ Info: europe/andorra: Filtering out slow ways [/home/blegat/.julia/dev/ContractionHierarchies/data/europe/andorra/fast.osm.o5m]
  0.083372 seconds (66 allocations: 3.078 KiB)
[ Info: europe/andorra: Getting map data [/home/blegat/.julia/dev/ContractionHierarchies/data/europe/andorra/local.osm.o5m.cache]
[ Info: europe/andorra: Converting from O5M to PBF [/home/blegat/.julia/dev/ContractionHierarchies/data/europe/andorra/fast.osm.pbf]
  0.056376 seconds (57 allocations: 2.219 KiB)
[ Info: Saved map data to cache /home/blegat/.julia/dev/ContractionHierarchies/data/europe/andorra/local.osm.pbf.cache
[ Info: Bounds: OpenStreetMapX.Bounds{OpenStreetMapX.LLA}(42.4276, 42.65717, 1.412368, 1.787481)

julia> using OpenStreetMapX

julia> shortest_time(h, LLA(42.5, 1.5) => LLA(42.45, 1.45))
[ Info: Merging fast O5M's from local regions [/home/blegat/.julia/dev/ContractionHierarchies/data/global_fast.osm.o5m]
  0.016116 seconds (41 allocations: 1.297 KiB)
[ Info: Converting from O5M to PBF [/home/blegat/.julia/dev/ContractionHierarchies/data/global_fast.osm.pbf]
  0.076948 seconds (57 allocations: 2.211 KiB)
[ Info: Reading map data from `/home/blegat/.julia/dev/ContractionHierarchies/data/global_fast.osm.pbf`.
[ Info: Saved map data to cache /home/blegat/.julia/dev/ContractionHierarchies/data/global_fast.osm.pbf.cache

julia> shortest_time(h, LLA(42.5, 1.5) => LLA(42.45, 1.45))

We need to first load the local map containing the OpenStreetMapX.LLA coordinates, and then we can compute the shortest path with shortest_time. Note that the loaded maps are cached inside h so when calling shortest_time the second time, it is not loaded again.

To delete a local map (stored in the data directory), use remove_map:

julia> remove_map(h, "europe", "andorra")

julia> shortest_time(h, LLA(42.5, 1.5) => LLA(42.45, 1.45))
ERROR: There is no local map.
 [1] error(s::String)
   @ Base ./error.jl:35
 [2] local_node(hmap::HierarchicalMap, lla::LLA)
   @ ContractionHierarchies ~/.julia/dev/ContractionHierarchies/src/ContractionHierarchies.jl:256

Note that shortest_time first computes the local paths form src to the highways and from dst to the highways and then compute the highway path to link them. When computing multiple shortest_time using the same src or dst, these local path don't need to be computed several times. In order to avoid computing this several time, compute the local path separately with local_node:

julia> local_src = local_node(h, LLA(42.5, 1.5))
ContractionHierarchies.LocalNode("europe/andorra", 1922592503)

julia> local_dst = local_node(h, LLA(42.45, 1.45))
ContractionHierarchies.LocalNode("europe/andorra", 349145254)

julia> shortest_time(h, local_src => local_dst)

When computing all shortest path for a vector of nodes of type Vector{OpenStreetMapX.LLA}, the following convenience function will first compute all local nodes:

julia> shortest_time(h, [LLA(42.5, 1.5), LLA(42.45, 1.45)])
2×2 Matrix{Float64}:
   0.0    769.397
 775.148    0.0