bleonard252 / just_audio_mpv

MIT License
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just_audio with MPV

This platform interface allows you to use just_audio on Linux with the user's installed MPV.

This uses mpv_dart, which uses a local socket to communicate with mpv over JSON IPC. mpv takes care of all the file loading, shuffling, looping, pretty much everything.

Comparison to just_audio_media_kit

In most cases, you probably should use just_audio_media_kit or raw media_kit instead. It's better made, better supported, much stabler, and it might even have more features.

Even better would be to use a "raw" Linux audio library, but it doesn't look like anyone's making that.

If the licensing scheme or legality of media_kit concerns you, this package might be in your interest.

That being said, this package will remain supported on a best-effort basis for the foreseeable future, or until someone makes a complete, native solution to audio playback both on Linux and Windows.


Users with software that uses just_audio_mpv have to install mpv. A recent version is highly recommended. The mpv binary must be present in the PATH. One of the following commands should do this for you:

For Debian and Ubuntu, add this repository and run:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install mpv

For Arch, get via AUR and install it. This can be done with something like:

yay -S mpv-git

For Fedora:

sudo yum install mpv

Build into a Flatpak

To add MPV to a Flatpak build, add these modules to your flatpak-builder manifest:

  - name: libass
    # mpv won't build without this
      - /include
      - /lib/pkgconfig
      - --disable-static
      - type: archive
        sha256: 9cbddee5e8c87e43a5fe627a19cd2aa4c36552156eb4edcf6c5a30bd4934fe58
  - name: mpv
    buildsystem: simple
      - /include
      - /lib/pkgconfig
      - python3 waf configure --prefix=/app --enable-libmpv-shared --disable-build-date
        --disable-manpage-build --disable-alsa --enable-libarchive
        --disable-lua --disable-javascript --disable-uchardet --disable-drm --disable-dvdnav
      - python3 waf build
      - python3 waf install
      # save screenshots at ~/Pictures/mpv
      - echo "screenshot-directory=~/Pictures/mpv" > /app/etc/mpv/mpv.conf
      - type: archive
        sha256: dc411c899a64548250c142bf1fa1aa7528f1b4398a24c86b816093999049ec00
      - type: file
        sha256: 0a09ad26a2cfc69fa26ab871cb558165b60374b5a653ff556a0c6aca63a00df1
        dest-filename: waf

For other distributions, you might want to look into

Currently it is not possible to tell just_audio_mpv to use an asset-bundled mpv.

Checking for MPV

To check whether MPV is installed, first check if it's going to be used (with if (Platform.isLinux)), then check the exit code of the command which mpv. If it returns 0, MPV is present and you can continue. If it returns 1, MPV is not present. Any other error codes are likely indicative of the which command not being present-- good luck getting a Flutter app to run on a machine that doesn't have basic tools like which.

// In a synchronous environment, optimally before the runApp(MyApp()) call and/or with a
// splash/loading screen available:
// (Note: asynchronous is preferred where possible, but `which` is an instant command
// so running it synchronously should not hurt performance.)
if (Platform.isLinux && Process.runSync("which", ["mpv"]).exitCode != 0) {
  // Tell the user somehow that MPV is not installed,
  // point them to this page, and prevent them from
  // trying to play audio.
// If you're running in an environment where audio support is considered absent by default,
// you can check for MPV's presence asynchronously like this:
final which ="which", ["mpv"]);
if (which.exitCode == 0) {
  canPlayAudio = true;

For Windows the command would be Get-Command for PowerShell and where for CMD.


If you want centralized, controlled, or pretty logging, you can use the below example to tell just_audio_mpv to log to wherever you want instead. It logs to console by default, so for most debugging purposes nothing needs to be done.

Please note: the dynamic error parameter may include non-error information that may be useful in debugging, such as what track it is attempting to load. It is typically null.

// Map your various log levels to MPV's:
const _logLevelMap = {
  JAMPV_LogLevel.debug: LogLevel.debug,,
  JAMPV_LogLevel.warning: LogLevel.warning,
  JAMPV_LogLevel.error: LogLevel.error,
  JAMPV_LogLevel.verbose: LogLevel.verbose,
  JAMPV_LogLevel.none: LogLevel.debug,
mpvLog = (dynamic message, {dynamic error, JAMPV_LogLevel level = JAMPV_LogLevel.debug, StackTrace stackTrace}) {
  // Run your logging function of choice here.
  // For example, if using Pinelogger:
  justAudioMpvPinelogger.log(message, severity: _logLevelMap[level]!, error: error, stackTrace: stackTrace);


Feature Linux
read from URL
read from file
read from asset
read from byte stream
request headers
ICY metadata
buffer status/position
set volume/speed
clip audio
compose audio
gapless playback
report player errors
handle phonecall interruptions
buffering/loading options
set pitch
skip silence
volume boost