blindsweatyhansolo / budget-tracker

Easy to use PWA (Progressive Web App) for managing your budget, with or without network access.
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indexeddb mongodb nodejs progressive-web-app pwa service-worker

Budget Tracker

Table of Contents


Budget Tracker is a simple to use Progressive Web Application/PWA project application that allows users to keep track of their expenses. The project was completed as a demonstration of creating offline functionality and operating as a PWA. Using IndexedDb, transaction data is saved to the browser, and pushed to a MongoDB database on reconnection. Additionally, it uses a simple Service Worker to cache important files and a web manifest file to make it a downloadable PWA. Fully deployed here on Heroku.

User Story:

AS AN avid traveler
I WANT to be able to track my withdrawals and deposits with or without a data/internet connection
SO THAT my account balance is accurate when I am traveling 


Starter code provided by GWU's Coding Bootcamp. The fully deployed application is available here on Heroku. If you are interested in working with this code base, follow these instructions:

  1. Clone this repository with git clone
  2. Install dependecies with npm install
  3. Start server with npm start
  4. Visit http://localhost:3001 to use the application locally

To install the Budget Tracker PWA, navigate to the [deployed URL](). On the right side of the URL, click the Install Budget Tracker download button to install the application on your local machine.

Screenshot of PWA Download


Budget Tracker is super simple to use! Input a name for your transaction, dollar/currency amount, and select whether this transaction will be adding or subtracting funds. The graph will immediately update to display your updated budget on success. If using this application on a severed or weak connection, all functionality is the same, but when a connection is re-established your transactions will be automatically pushed to the online Mongo database.

GIF of Budget Tracker in use

Demonstrated here, a transaction is successfully made with no internet connection, and once a connection has been re-established, the data is pushed to the database:

GIF of Budget Tracker offline

Additional Information

Technologies Used:

If you have any questions about the application, would like to check out more of my work, or would like to become a contributor, please contact me using the information below:
