blippar / aragorn

Regression tests made easy
Apache License 2.0
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docker drone golang regression-testing

Aragorn logo, by Malenea

Regression testing made easy

Go Report Card GoDoc License Latest Release Docker Image


Aragorn is a regression testing tool that can run a set of tests periodically. It acts as a server that can execute or schedule test suites. (a JSON file with the .suite.json extension, see example below for more information)

When a test suite is run, each of its tests is executed. For each test, there are 3 possible outcomes:

A request error can be an HTTP error while trying to make the request for example. Those errors will be retried 3 times, with a 30s pause in between each try. A failure is not retried.

Where the failures/errors are reported and how they are reported depends on the notifier configured. For now the only one implemented is the SlackNotifier. It is set at the initialization of a test suite. During a test suite execution, it stacks every potential failure and/or error. At the end of the suite execution, it will send a notification describing what happened if there was any failure or error.

Quick Start

You can add Aragorn to your project by doing aragorn init

The directories to watch can be specified via command line positional arguments : aragorn watch dir1 dir2.


The config is only used by the run command. It contains a list of suites to execute or schedule and the notifiers.

Name Type Description
notifiers map[string]interface{} the notifiers configurations.
suites []SuiteConfig List of suites to load.


  "notifiers": {
    "slack": {
      "webhook": "",
      "verbose": true
  "suites": [
      "path": "./test/service.suite.json",
      "runEvery": "1h",
      "failFast": true,
      "suite": {
        "base": {
          "url": "",
          "insecure": true



Name Type Description
webhook string URL to the Incoming Webhook for the HTTP request.
username string Username of the bot.
channel string Channel where the notification will be send.
verbose bool Log all tests.

Test Suites


A test suite describes a combination of tests to be run. It is composed of some configuration fields for the scheduling and notification handling. The tests are described in the suite field depending on the type field (HTTP or GRPC).

Name Type Description
path string Path to the SuiteConfig only used in Config.suites
name string REQUIRED. The name of this suite.
type string REQUIRED. HTTP or GRPC (currently only HTTP is implemented)
runEvery string A duration string parsable by time.ParseDuration specifying at each interval this test suite should be run. Exclusive with runCron.
runCron string A cron-syntax string specifying when to run this test suite. Exclusive with runEvery
retryCount int Number of time a test can be retried, if any error happened. (default 1)
retryWait string Duration between each retry. (default 1s)
timeout string Timeout specifies a time limit for each test. (default 30s)
failFast bool Stop after first test failure
suite HTTPSuite or GRPCSuite REQUIRED. An object describing the test suite itself. Depends on the field type.


  "name": "Service 1 HTTP test suite",
  "type": "HTTP",
  "runEvery": "12h",
  "retryCount": 3,
  "retryWait": "100ms",
  "timeout": "10s",
  "suite": {"..."}


An HTTP test suite contains a base configuration and list of tests.

Name Type Description
base HTTPBase REQUIRED. Base description of the tests in this suite
tests []HTTPTest REQUIRED. List of tests to run.


Name Type Description
url string REQUIRED. Base URL prepended to all path in each test request.
header map[string]string List of request header fields to add to every test in this suite. Each test can overwrite the header fields set at this level.
oauth2 OAUTH2Config Describes a 2-legged OAuth2 flow.
insecure bool Insecure controls whether a client verifies the server's certificate chain and host name.


See Config documentation for more info.


Name Type Description
id string Identifier use for stateful url templating tests.
name string REQUIRED. Name used to uniquely identify this test in the suite.
request HTTPRequest Description of the HTTP request to perform.
expect HTTPExpect Expected result of the HTTP request.
saveDocument bool Save the response document for other tests.


Name Type Description
path string Path appended to the base url set in the HTTPBase. (default: /)
method string HTTP method of the request. (default: GET)
header map[string]string List of request header fields.
multipart map[string]string Multipart content of the request. Values started with a @ are files.
formData map[string]string Form data as application/x-url-encoded format.
body HTTPDocument Request body.


Name Type Description
statusCode int Expected HTTP status code. Not checked if the value is -1 (default: 200)
header map[string]string Expected key-value pairs in the HTTP header.
document HTTPDocument Expected document to be returned.
jsonSchema HTTPObject Expected JSON schema (1) to be returned.
jsonValues HTTPObject Expected Specific JSON values to be returned.
  1. See and Understanding JSON Schema for more info.

HTTP URL Templating

The URL path and query can be constructed from previous tests through templating.

  "tests": [
      "id": "add_todo",
      "name": "Add Todo",
      "request": {
        "method": "POST",
        "path": "/todo"
      "saveDocument": true
      "name": "Get Todo",
      "request": {
        "method": "GET",
        "path": "/todo/{{}}"


Document is any type with some special behaviors like reference.

Load a JSON document from a file:

  "$ref": "user.json"

Load a RAW document from a file:

  "$ref": "image.jpg",
  "$raw": true

Inline RAW document:

  "$raw": "OK"


Object must be a JSON object (map[string]interface{}). It can load a JSON object from a file (see Document doc).

HTTP Example

This example shows how to create an HTTP test suite file that has 2 tests:

  "name": "Service 1",
  "type": "HTTP",
  "suite": {
    "base": {
      "url": "http://localhost:8080",
      "header": {
        "Accept-Encoding": "application/json"
      "oauth2": {
        "clientID": "id",
        "clientSecret": "secret",
        "tokenURL": "https://localhost:8080/token"
    "tests": [
        "name": "root",
        "request": {
          "path": "/",
          "method": "GET"
        "expect": {
          "header": {
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
            "Content-Length": "15"
          "jsonDocument": { "key": "value" }
        "name": "echo",
        "request": {
          "path": "/echo",
          "method": "POST",
          "header": {
            "Content-Type": "application/json"
          "body": { "key": "value" }
        "expect": {
          "statusCode": 201,
          "header": {
            "Content-Type": "application/json"
          "jsonSchema": { "$ref": "schema.json" },
          "jsonValues": {
            "key": "value",
            "a.0": 1,
            "a.length": 3,
            "b.c": "d"

GRPC Suite

An GRPC test suite contains a base configuration and list of tests.

Name Type Description
address string REQUIRED. target address for the connection to the server.
protoSetPath string The path of a file containing an encoded FileDescriptorSet. (default: get the remote server proto via the GRPC reflection API)
tls bool TLS connection to the server. If false, use plain-text HTTP/2 (default: false)
caPath string File containing trusted root certificates for verifying the server.
serverHostOverride string Override the virtual host name of authority (e.g. :authority header field) in requests.
insecure bool Skip server certificate and domain verification.
oauth2 OAUTH2Config Describes a 2-legged OAuth2 flow.
header Header List of request header fields to add to every test in this suite. Each test can overwrite the header fields set at this level.
tests []GRPCTest REQUIRED. List of tests to run.


Name Type Description
name string REQUIRED. Name used to uniquely identify this test in the suite.
request GRPCRequest REQUIRED. Description of the GRPC request to perform.
expect GRPCExpect Expected result of the GRPC request.


Name Type Description
method string REQUIRED. GRPC method of the request. (e.g. grpcexpect.testing.TestService/SimpleCall)
header map[string]string List of request header fields.
document GRPCDocument Expected request message of the GRPC method.


Name Type Description
Code string Expected GRPC code. (default: OK)
header map[string]string Expected key-value pairs in the GRPC header.
document GRPCDocument Expected response message of the GRPC method.


Document is any type with some special behaviors like reference.

Load a JSON document from a file:

  "$ref": "user.json"

GRPC Example

This example shows how to create an GRPC test suite file that has 2 tests.

  "name": "Service 2",
  "type": "GRPC",
  "suite": {
    "address": "localhost:50051",
    "header": { "hello": "world" },
    "tests": [
        "name": "Empty Call",
        "request": { "method": "grpcexpect.testing.TestService/EmptyCall" },
        "expect": { "code": "OK" }
        "name": "Simple Call",
        "request": {
          "method": "grpcexpect.testing.TestService/SimpleCall",
          "document": { "username": "world" }
        "expect": {
          "code": "OK",
          "header": { "hello": "world" },
          "document": { "message": "Hello world!" }


This project use OpenTracing, a vendor-neutral open standard for distributed tracing. When aragorn run a test suite it will create a span that will be propagated in the context, a sub span is created for each test. More details are filled by the test suite package that implement the execution of the test. For example, the http call in the httpexpect package is traced in a sub span.

By default, the aragorn command will run with no tracer. You can set a tracer with the tracer flag. More info with aragorn help exec.


Thanks to Malenea for his awesome work on the logo.

Aragorn's logo is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License and was widely inspired on the original Go gopher designed by Renee French.