blitzmann / crest_getter

A Python 3.5 application to dump data from CREST
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A Python 3.5 application to dump data from CREST

A fork and modification of the crawler application over at the 500 Lines or Less repository, this is currently used as a test bench for feasibility tests / learning the asyncio/aiohttp libraries in python3.

Eventual goal is to expand functionality to gather and dump data from CREST to compile a database suitable for pyfa (to get away from Phobos / reverence dependence and thus cache scraping) (and also give project a better name <_<)




If you need authentication, please edit client_app.ini with your client details. Please note that this client must support the publicData scope (to get a valid refresh token) as well as have the callback set to http://localhost:6789/

I'm actually not sure if this is needed for the use-case of collecting data for pyfa (I think it's all public), however if this ever gets to that point I also want this to be mostly general-purpose, hence getting basic Authentication out of the way now.