blocher / dailyoffice2019

This project is used to build the website The site invites you to join with Christians around the world in praying with the Church, at any time or in any place you may find yourself. It makes it easy to pray daily morning, midday, evening, and compline (bedtime) prayer without flipping pages, searching for scripture readings or calendars, or interpreting rubrics. The prayers are presented from The Book of Common Prayer (2019) of the Anglican Church in North America and reflect the ancient patterns of daily prayer Christians have used since the earliest days of the church.
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Daily Office, Book of Common Prayer 2019 (

This project is used to build the website It is a Django application written in Python (to be installed in a development environment). It is used to produce a static html and javascript site which can then be deployed to the production environment.


The site invites you to join with Christians around the world in praying with the Church, at any time or in any place you may find yourself. It makes it easy to pray daily morning, midday, evening, and compline (bedtime) prayer without flipping pages, searching for scripture readings or calendars, or interpreting rubrics. The prayers are presented from The Book of Common Prayer (2019) of the Anglican Church in North America and reflect the ancient patterns of daily prayer Christians have used since the earliest days of the church.


Daily Morning Prayer and Daily Evening Prayer are the established rites (offices) by which, both corporately and individually, God’s people annually encounter the whole of the Holy Scriptures, daily confess their sins and praise Almighty God, and offer timely thanksgivings, petitions, and intercessions.


Pull requests are welcome. Take a look at the Github issues and see where you might help out. Updates to documentation and tests (both of which are largely missing) are also welcome.


The project is known to work with these versions, although it may also work with more recent versions.

Setting up a development environment

If you are using macOS, all the above requirements may be installed with Homebrew.

Initial project setup

Import database

Setup up python environment

Run API server (in separate terminal)

Run the client (frontend) server

Code formatting standard

Quick overview

The application is built around several Django "apps". The most important are:

NOTE: churchcal, bible, and psalter apps may be spun off as separate projects soon and added as dependencies to this project

Submitting Issues and Contact