Note: this file is over 50 lines long because it contains a lot of relevant information in one place.
Code Standards
- all code is in TypeScript, using
for files containing jsx, or .ts
for those without
- no semicolons
- 2 spaces
- newline at end of file (check your editor settings)
- trim whitespace on save (check your editor settings)
- keep code in appropriate packages under
- discuss with team before adding a new package
- only use third-party libraries when absolutely required
- no hardcoded text in the app, belongs in
- no style outside of
(we may add themes later)
- for the most part, files should be called
with any dependencies in ./lib/<function-name>.ts
- all snake-case directory names and file names, leads to less issues
- code under ui should generally begin with
import React, { Component } from 'react'
to avoid linter errors for React
- ui components generally look like
export default class ComponentName extends Component<Props, State>
Note: to import from a package see .babelrc
and tsconfig.json
for package name rewrites. Important: no relative imports starting with ../
- in other words never assume what's above you in the file tree - you must be able to move folders around without consequence.
Note: TypeScript code is compiled into lib
top level directory.
contains the client library to connect to BlockMason's credit-protocol server.
- i.e.
import { CreditProtocolClient } from 'credit-protocol'
contains all text strings and functions used to generate text.
- i.e.
import language from 'language'; const { privacyPolicy, pendingTransactionsLanguage } = language
is the core application logic and should have zero references to react
or any other ui.
- i.e.
import LNDR from 'lndr'
contains all stylesheets.
- i.e.
import style from 'theme/button'
is the react-native
user interface.
- i.e.
import App from 'ui/app'
Installation and Initialization
Copy, rename, and update the files android/app/src/main/assets/
and ios/AirshipConfig.plist.example
with the proper UrbanAirship API key and secret from the Blockmason account on
Log in to Firebase ( and download the google-services.json and GoogleService-Info.plist files and add them to the android and ios folders.
- Ensure that CocoaPods and Yarn are both installed (
sudo gem install cocoapods
and brew install yarn
(this installs the packages)
- Fill in the
with the proper information and save as .env
. (info is in or AirshipConfig.plist)
yarn run setup:env
- (in new terminal)
yarn run typescript
- (in new terminal)
yarn start
... on iOS
Put GoogleService-Info.plist
in ios/
Put AirshipConfig.plist
in ios/
Put PayPalConfig.plist
in ios/
Run cd ios && pod install && cd ..
react-native run-ios
... on Android
Setting up ANDROID_HOME env variable
export ANDROID_HOME=/<SDK installation location>
export PATH=${PATH}:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
source ~/.bash_profile
will be found in android studio (if installed) in Preferences -> Appearance & Behaviour -> System Settings -> Android SDK
Config files
- Put `google-services.json` in `android/app/`
- Put `` in `android/`
- Put `` in `android/app/src/main/assets/`
- Put `` in `android/app/src/main/assets/`
Running Android
- Run `react-native run-android`
## ... Logging apps
*In new tabs*
- `react-native log-ios`
- `react-native log-android`
- Download and start React Native Debugger, then select 'Debug Remotely' from the simulator/emulator
## Building Android APK for Debug
- in separate terminal sessions, run `yarn start` and `yarn run typescript`
- ```react-native run-android```
- ```react-native bundle --dev false --platform android --entry-file --bundle-output ./android/app/build/intermediates/assets/debug/ --assets-dest ./android/app/build/intermediates/res/merged/debug```
- ```cd android```
- ```./gradlew assembleDebug```
# Testing
This project uses (Jest)[], which is the preferred testing framework for React Native.
Tests are stored in the top-level "__tests__" folder which mimics the structure of the "packages" folder.
To run tests type ```yarn test```
To create a new snapshot after changing a ```.tsx``` file, run ```jest -u```
# Building
### Prerequisites
XCode 10.0 or higher is required, which in turn requires macOS Sierra (10.12) or higher.
Private keys to sign the build: ios_dist_bm.p12 for iOS and blockmason-lndr-android.keystore for Android
## Building & Signing the Android APK for Google Play
1. Get the file with the keystore passwords and put it in the 'android' directory.
2. Get the blockmason-lndr-android.keystore file and put it in the 'android/app' directory.
3. Run 'cd android && ./gradlew assembleRelease' from the top-level directory.
4. The signed APK will be at 'android/app/build/outputs/apk/app-release.apk'
5. Upload the APK to the Play Store
## Building, Signing, & Uploading for iOS through XCode
1. Navigate to directory ios/
2. Run `sudo gem install cocoapods`
3. Run `pod install`
4. Open XCode, click `Open another project...` at bottom right, go to the directory ios/
, select `LNDR.xcworkspace`
5. Open the directory structure in the left side menu, go into `LNDR`, open `Info.plist`, click `App Transport Security Settings`, then `Exception Domains`, and delete `localhost` entry
6. In top menu go to Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme (`LNDR` scheme should be selected), in Run > Info change the Build Configuration to 'Release'
7. Run the command Product > Clean (command + shift + K), then Product > Build (command + B)
8. Once the build finishes, run Product > Archive
9. Click 'Upload to App Store' on the right side, and follow steps to upload.
## Building Production Android APK for Distribution
- in separate terminal sessions, run `yarn start` and `yarn run typescript`
- ```./```