blocknetdx / dockerimages

Official Blocknet Docker Images
Apache License 2.0
10 stars 14 forks source link

Official Blocknet Docker Images

The docker images can be found on the docker hub:


By default the servicenode container runs without rpc capabilities -server=0.


Run a simple node on port 41412 without any servicenode capabilities.

docker run -d --name=snode -p 41412:41412 blocknetdx/servicenode:latest

Persist blockchain w/ volumes

Run a node that persists the blockchain on a host directory. Recommended to avoid time consuming resyncs when updating to later container versions.

docker run -d --name=snode -p 41412:41412 -v=/snode/block/config:/opt/blockchain/config -v=/snode/block/data:/opt/blockchain/data blocknetdx/servicenode:latest

Enable Servicenode (manually overridding config values)

When manually overridding the blocknetd command line arguments you must set -daemon=0 (blocking), otherwise the container will exit immediately. Using -daemon=0 will allow OS signals pass directly to blocknetd resulting in proper shutdowns (which will prevent corrupting the blockchain).

This command runs the container as a servicenode (do not use these exact values in production):

docker run -d --name=snode -p 41412:41412 blocknetdx/servicenode:latest blocknetd -daemon=0 -rpcuser=sn1 -rpcpassword=servicenode123 -servicenode=1

Automatically restart the container



docker run -d --restart=no             --name=snode -p 41412:41412 blocknetdx/servicenode:latest blocknetd -daemon=0 -rpcuser=sn1 -rpcpassword=servicenode123
docker run -d --restart=on-failure:10  --name=snode -p 41412:41412 blocknetdx/servicenode:latest blocknetd -daemon=0 -rpcuser=sn1 -rpcpassword=servicenode123
docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped --name=snode -p 41412:41412 blocknetdx/servicenode:latest blocknetd -daemon=0 -rpcuser=sn1 -rpcpassword=servicenode123
docker run -d --restart=always         --name=snode -p 41412:41412 blocknetdx/servicenode:latest blocknetd -daemon=0 -rpcuser=sn1 -rpcpassword=servicenode123

Container shell access

docker exec -it snode /bin/bash

Default blocknet.conf

The default configuration is below. A custom configuration file can be passed to the servicenode container through the /opt/blockchain/config volume. Some of these parameters can also be adjusted on the command line.



port=41412    # testnet: 41474
rpcport=41414 # testnet: 41419



Autobuild docker images

Autobuild pipeline is based on github actions. There are several key components in the stack:

The pipelines are triggered by workflow yaml files in _.github/workflows/somepipeline.yaml

It starts build process on self-hosted runner in k8s cluster. If build process is successful, the image is pushed to dockerhub repository blocknetdx/\<wallet>:\<tag>

How to deploy the stack?

1) Create k8s cluster 2) Create two accounts: dockerhub registry account, github account. (Or use existing) 3) Install actions runner controller on k8s to manage self-hosted runners (Here is the link


This Github action is used to create an image based on Dockerfile template. It checks manifest-latest.json, generates Dockerfile, builds and pushes an image. It takes three inputs (arguments):

Scenario: 1) Add info to manifest-latest.json using the blockchain-configuration-files workflow if it is new or updated. 2) Run this Github action by filling inputs. The workflow actually requires 4 inputs:


This Github action is used to create a servicenode image. (The previous workflow also can be used to create servicenode images. But it creates images only for those coins and versions which are present in manifest-latest.json.) This workflow creates an image from any Blocknet branch version. It takes three inputs (arguments):

Scenario: 1) If a branch in Blocknet repository is ready for building and testing, run the Github action and respond to the prompts. 2) The image will be uploaded to DockerHub blocknetdx/\<wallet>:\<tag>-staging.


This Github action is used to create a custom dockerimage for a coin which is not present in manifest-latest.json, or which cannot be built by the regular BUILD IMAGE FROM TEMPLATE workflow (eg: due to compiler version requirements (ie: syscoin4), or moved dependencies which prevent building from the project from the tagged version branch (ie. ravencoin)).

Scenario: 1) Create a branch from master. 2) Create a Dockerfile and necessary files in directory images/\<wallet>/ 3) Run the workflow by filling inputs and choose the branch which you created. Reply to the wallet name and version in the web form. 4) The image will be uploaded to DockerHub blocknetdx/\<wallet>:\<tag>-staging


This Github action is used to build an image for a new coin which is not present in manifest-latest.json.

The workflow takes four arguments:

Scenario: 1) Prepare manifest config and wallet config for workflow. 2) Run the workflow by filling inputs. Enter a wallet name and version in the web form. Enter the manifest content and wallet config.
3) The image will be uploaded to DockerHub blocknetdx/\<wallet>:\<tag>-staging

Note It is not required to create a separate branch to run workflow "BUILD IMAGE FROM TEMPLATE" and "BUILD SERVICENODE". Workflows are run from master branch. But if you want to change something in Dockerfiles or scripts, you can create new branch and run the workflow from your branch.

Once an image is built it must be tested. This is done by adding the image to the exproxy-env autobuild stack and deploying a node with a set of wallets including the new image. When testing is complete the image can be released.


When the image is tested and has no issues it can be released by this Github action. It changes the tag of an image from blocknetdx/\<wallet>:\<tag>-staging to blocknetdx/\<wallet>:\<tag>

Scenario: 1) Run the workflow by filling inputs. Enter the wallet name and version in the web form. 2) The image will be re-uploaded to DockerHub blocknetdx/\<wallet>:\<tag>


This code is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. Please refer to the LICENSE.