blockstack-packages / blockstack-desktop-specs

Specifications for the Blockstack desktop app - a local node with a rest API and a web dashboard
MIT License
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Blockstack Specifications

Dashboard Endpoints

Method API Call API family Notes
Dashboard Home GET / identity Serves the identity management panel
Auth Request View GET /auth?authRequest={authRequestToken} identity Serves the auth request view

Explanation of the auth request view:

When the user clicks “login” in an application, the app should redirect the user to this endpoint. If the user already has an account, they will be redirected along with requested data. If the user doesn’t have an account, the user will be presented with each of the app’s requested permissions, then will satisfy or deny them. The dashboard will then redirect the user back with a JWT. The response JWT contains a signature and an API token that the app can use for future authorization of endpoints.

Each application specifies in advance which family of API calls it will need to make to function properly. This list is passed along to the dashboard endpoint when creating an application account. The account-creation page shows this list of API endpoints and what they do, and allows the user to line-item approve or deny them. The list is stored by the API server in the local account structure, and the list is given to the application as part of the session JWT. The API server will NACK requests to endpoints in API families absent from the session JWT.

Administrative API


Method API Call API family Notes
Ping the node GET /node/ping - -
Restart the node POST /node/reboot - Requires a pre-shared secret in the Authorization: header


Method API Call API family Notes
Get wallet payment address GET /wallet/payment_address wallet_read -
Get wallet owner address GET /wallet/owner_address wallet_read -
Set the wallet PUT /wallet/keys - Requires a pre-shared secret in the Authorization: header
Get the wallet GET /wallet/keys - Requires a pre-shared secret in the Authorization: header


Method API Call API family Notes
Create an authorization token GET /auth?authRequest={authRequestToken} - Requires a pre-shared secret in the Authorization: header.

The GET /auth endpoint creates a session JWT for an account. Accounts are identified by a persona and an application (where a persona is derived from the user's master data key). This endpoint expects a JSON document with at least the following fields defined:

   'app_domain': str        # the name of the application (DNS name or blockchain ID)
   'app_user_id': str       # the public key the user will use for this application
   'methods': [str]         # the list of "API families" that this token will enable.

Blockstack Core session tokens are JWTs defined as follows. They will be signed by the data private key in its wallet:

    'app_domain': str    # same as ablve
    'app_user_id': str   # same as above
    'methods': [str]  # the list of API families the bearer may call
    'timestamp': int  # the time at which this token was created
    'expires': int    # the time at which this token expires

Notes for Web developers. The app_domain should be a DNSSEC-secured DNS name, or a blockchain ID. Either way, it must refer to a zone file with a TXT record that has a public key. Core will fetch this public key, and use it to verify the signature of a .blockstackrc file hosted in the same directory as the application's index.html file. This .blockstackrc file contains the hash of the index.html file, as well as other application assets.

Naming API


Method API Call API family Notes
Get all names GET /names names -
Register name POST /names register Payload: {"name": NAME}
Get name info GET /names/{name} names -
Get name history GET /names/{name}/history names -
Get historical zone file GET /names/{name}/zonefile/{zoneFileHash} zonefiles -
Delete user DELETE /names/{name} revoke -
Transfer name PUT /names/{name}/owner transfer Payload: {"owner": OWNER }
Set zone file PUT /names/{name}/zonefile update Payload: {"zonefile": ZONE_FILE }
Set zone file hash PUT /names/{name}/zonefile update Payload: {"zonefile_hash": ZONE_FILE_HASH }


Method API Call API family Notes
Get names owned by address GET /addresses/{address} names -


Method API Call API family Notes
Get all namespaces GET /namespaces namespaces -
Create namespace POST /namespaces namespace_registration -
Launch namespace PUT /namespaces/{tld} namespace_registration -
Get namespace names GET /namespaces/{tld}/names namespaces -
Pre-register a name POST /namespaces/{tld}/names namespace_registration -
Update pre-registered name PUT /namespaces/{tld}/names/{name} namespace_registration -


Method API Call API family Notes
Get namespace price GET /prices/namespaces/{tld} prices -
Get name price GET /prices/names/{name} prices -


Method API Call API family Notes
Get block operations GET /blockchains/{blockchainName}/block/{blockHeight} blockchains -
Get raw name history GET /blockchains/{blockchainName}/names/{nameID}/history blockchains -
Get consensus hash GET /blockchains/{blockchainName}/consensusHash blockchains -
Get pending transactions GET /blockchains/{blockchainName}/pending blockchains -

Identity API


Here, {userID} is the address of the user's public key in his/her zone file.

Method API Call API family Notes
Create user profile POST /users user_admin Payload: {"user_id": USER_ID, "profile": PROFILE}
Get user profile GET /users/{userID} users Only works on the session's designated user.
Delete user profile DELETE /users/{userID} user_admin -
Update profile PATCH /users/{userID} user_admin Payload: {"profile": PROFILE }. Only works on the session's designiated user.

User Stores

Here, {userID} is the address of the user's public key in his/her zone file. The {storeID} is the address of the app_user_id public key in the session token.

Method API Call API family Notes
Get all stores GET /users/{userID}/stores store_admin -
Create store POST /users/{userID}/stores store_admin Payload: {'storeID': store ID}
Get store GET /users/{userID}/stores/{storeID} store_admin -
Update store PUT /users/{userID}/stores/{storeID} store_admin -
Delete store DELETE /users/{userID}/stores/{storeID} store_admin -
- - - -
Get inode info (stat) GET /users/{userID}/stores/{storeID}/inodes?path={path} store_read -
- - - -
Get directory files (ls) GET /users/{userID}/stores/{storeID}/directories?path={path} store_read -
Create directory (mkdir) POST /users/{userID}/stores/{storeID}/directories?path={path} store_write -
Delete directory (rmdir) DELETE /users/{userID}/stores/{storeID}/directories?path={path} store_write -
- - - -
Get file data (open) GET /users/{userID}/stores/{storeID}/files?path={path} store_read -
Create file POST /users/{userID}/stores/{storeID}/files?path={path} store_write Uploads application/octet-stream raw file data
Update file PUT /users/{userID}/stores/{storeID}/files?path={path} store_write Uploads application/octet-stream raw file data
Delete file (rm) DELETE /users/{userID}/stores/{storeID}/files?path={path} store_write -

User Collections

Here, {userID} is the address of the user's public key in his/her zone file.

Method API Call API family Notes
Get all collections GET /users/{userID}/collections collection_read -
Create collection POST /users/{userID}/collections collection_admin -
Get all collection items GET /users/{userID}/collections/{collectionID} collection_read -
Create collection item POST /users/{userID}/collections/{collectionID} collection_write -
Get collection item GET /users/{userID}/collections/{collectionID}/{itemID} collection_read -