blogdron / EPGTV

Show EPG TV information in mpv player from IPTV M3U playlist
MIT License
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EPGTV - TV program viewer for mpv player

-(Work In Progress) Only Linux or maybe some other *NIX is supported

README на Русском языке

Simple EPG information for IPTV M3U playlist in mpv. EPGTV is simple extended fork of mpvEPG v0.3 EPGTV open M3U file or URL and automatically load/download EPG data to cache. After save cache, show TV program information for twoo days if available. If available EPGTV show TV programs descriptions. First start can be slowly becouse cache not prepared, other starts faster and reuse cache.





apt install mpv curl gzip


You need install EPGTV directory inside $HOME/.config/mpv/scripts/

git clone  $HOME/.config/mpv/scripts/EPGTV


cd $HOME/.config/mpv/scripts/EPGTV && git pull


(I recommend use --hwdec, for hardware acceleration)


EPGTV uses a cache for faster operation, it is automatically created when you first access the playlist, but if after a while you see a message about the lack of data for the TV channel, then probably the cache is no longer relevant, and you need to update the cache manually by pressing u if the EPG data source has been updated then the new cache will be relevant and all data will be displayed, usually EPG data stores information for several days in advance, but this is not always the case.


In the script directory there is a configuration file conf.lua, configure everything to your taste


EPG TV cache location stored in


Correct IPTV M3U example

#EXTM3U url-tvg="," tvg-shift="+3"
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="channel_id"  group-title="Group name",channel name

For get and find TV information M3U playlist must have

Some IPTV M3U no have tvg-id in this case, an alternative search mechanism is used by name and/or end of the link