bltzr / ofxOscQuery

ofx Addon for OSCQuery support
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This openFrameworks addon allows to create an OSCQuery server, based on the specifications available at:

What will this addon do ?

It will expose all of your ofParameters (and ofPArameterGroups) as a tree of OSC nodes, create OSC senders and receivers, and implement an OSCQuery server in order to manage queries and replies.

Basically it is a wrapper for libossia (safeC++ API) but it follows OSC Query’s dialect instead of ossia’s. Though, as does ossia, it covers all the features from the OSCQuery specifications (including listening, and notification for path changes).

Here is a video showing the addon in use with two other apps (VDMX and Vezér)

This addon works in a similar way to ofxOscParameterSync from the ofxOsc addon:

Here is a video showing how to add OSCQuery support to one of of's "vanilla" examples

This is all demonstrated in example-singleServer - further documentation is included in the source, and in particular in ofxOssiaNode, which is the core of it all.

Several Servers can be set up in the same ofApp by attaching them to several ofParameterGroups (see example-twoServers). As mentioned in the Roadmap below, another option will soon be added (without breaking the current usage) for managing this better: by using one pool object for holding several servers. Stay tuned!


  1. Download the latest .zip from the releases.
  2. Unzip and move the directory to the openFrameworks addon directory.

OSCQuery Clients

Several client examples are provided in the example-singleServer folder: for pure-data, Max, and with a simple html example.

It's also possible to view the ofApp's namespace as JSON by opening a browser (preferably FireFox for pretty formatting), by opening the URL: http://yourServersIP:port/ - the default port (e.g. in example-singleServer being 5678).

One can also download mrRay's (from VidVox) nice OSCQueryBrowser for more advanced browsing.

Of course it really gets interesting when trying to control your ofApp, which you can do with those OSCQuery-supporting sequencers:



A compiled version of libossia is included in the release.


Version history

Version 1.0 (09/2018):

Operational version, complying with the official OSC Query specs.

version 0.9.8 (09/2018)

Legacy release for openframworks 0.9.8 - Same as version 1.0, except that it will build in 0.9.8

Version 0.1 (04/2018):

Initial version of the addon, with only basic functionality