bluelabsio / s3-stream

Akka Streaming Client for S3 and Supporting Libraries
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This project has been merged into Alpakka. The version found here is not actively maintained.


Akka Streaming Client for S3 and Supporting Libraries



A library built around Akka-Http to stream an upload to S3. The initialization request will be sent, incoming stream will be chunked and uploaded, then the completion request is sent.


Add to your build.sbt:

resolvers += Resolver.jcenterRepo
libraryDependencies += "com.bluelabs" %% "s3-stream" % "0.0.3"

Then in your application:

  implicit val system = ActorSystem()
  implicit val mat: Materializer = ActorMaterializer()
  implicit val ec = mat.executionContext

  val creds = AWSCredentials("KEYGOESHERE", "SECRETGOESHERE")
  val stream: S3Stream = new S3Stream(creds)

  val input: Source[ByteString, Future[IOResult]] = StreamConverters.fromInputStream(...whatever) // Or something else to generate a stream of ByteStrings
  val sink: Sink[ByteString, Future[CompleteMultipartUploadResult]] = stream.multipartUpload(S3Location("bucketGoesHere", "keygoeshere"))

  val result: Future[CompleteMultipartUploadResult] = input.runWith(sink)


Sign Akka-HTTP requests using AWS credentials, following the AWS Signature v4 process.


Add to your build.sbt:

resolvers += Resolver.jcenterRepo
libraryDependencies += "com.bluelabs" %% "akka-http-aws" % "0.0.3"

Then in your application:

val credentials = AWSCredentials("KEYGOESHERE", "SECRETGOESHERE")
val signingKey = SigningKey(credentials, CredentialScope(, region, "s3"))
val req = HttpRequest(... with assorted params ...)
val signedRequest = Signer.signedRequest(req, signingKey)