blurymind / Godot-eventSheetPrototype

Event sheet mockup prototype
MIT License
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This is a prototype gui mockup of an event sheet concept I made for Please note that in no way is this usable at the moment-it just a quickly bashed together gui mockup for another thing that would hopefuly emerge from it - rewritten in c++.

So here it goes:

We currently have a visual scripting system similar to blueprints in Unreal - connecting nodes. The proposal here is for a second visual scripting system, that is similar to event sheets in Construct 2 (proprietary), Multimedia fusion (proprietary) and Gdevelop (open source) 11

It is a very different approach from the one with blueprints and people learning to program are still requesting it on facebook and other godot community forums

What is an event sheet visual script in the other engines: The event sheet is pretty much a spreadsheet with two columns - a conditions column and an actions column. Both columns can be populated with logic blocks from nodes and their children that the sheet is attached to (node methods). On the left column the user can only attach conditional methods, on the right - only action methods. This clear divide makes for a very easy to learn way of setting game logic. On top of that the user can use expressions in both columns - so potentially use gdscript for more specific instructions.

Rows can be nested under other rows (called sub-events), can be commented, disabled or re-enabled (just like commenting code) subeventexample Some actions/condition blocks can be negated

Functions that can take parameters can be used as well, by using a special function condition block and nesting conditions/actions under its row image28 modifiedcheckmatches

So What are the advantages over our current visual script:

In any case, I am writing this proposal not to say that one system is better than the other - but more with the hope of sparking interest in developing an alternative to our custom visual scripting approach - an alternative that is popular amongst people learning to code and that is a great transition to gdscript - as I found out from first hand experience

Addon progress report 0

Here is a crude mockup so far: capture

Demos of event sheet style systems that you can try online(no log in required):

Event Sheet System Possible Structure:

|_Event sheet established variables and connections tab
|_Event sheet script tab
  |_Function(built in or custom)
      |_event sheet row (can be parented to another event sheet row or an event sheet group)
          |_Actions column
               |_Action cell (richtex label) (click to open another window to edit)
          |_ Conditions Column
               |_Condition Cell (richtex label)(click to open another window to edit)
|_Action/Condition Cell Expression Editor
  |_Gdscript editor instance - to be used for expressions
  |_Easy Click interface to access the available subnodes - their nodepaths and methods- clicks bring up menu that populates the expression editor - similar to Clickteam Fusion's

Inner workflow: Event sheet resource can be attached to node -->on runtime it generates a gdscript and that is used by the game

Addon progress report 1

I did some work on the addon's most important building block- the event sheet cell


Some background in what it does - Basically the event sheet is made out of cells. A cell can contain either conditions (getters/expressions) or actions (setters that can be fed with getters/expressions). On the GUI side, the event cell is created via a richtextlabel node and bbcode that is generated from gdscript. When you double click on it, the richtextlabel turns into an editbox node containing the actual gdscript expression.

So an event sheet cell has 2 modes:

When clicked away, switches to view mode.

About the Add new condition/Action menu: This is what creates a new gdscript line of code for a condition or an action. Whats great about it is that it lets you easily browse all of the nodes inside a scene and their methods - it sort of works in an inverted way to how autocompletion works in gdscript's editor. It shows all nodes and all of their setter, getter or both methods. You can then narrow down to what you want via a filter. If callend from a condition cell, this menu shows only getters, if called from an actions cell, it shows both setter and getter methods.

Note that this is still full of bugs and not even half complete to share, but hopefully makes it clearer what I am proposing

Progress report 2 Made some planning on how it can work. Also looked into what needs to be refactored before presenting the concept addon

I made this flowchart to explain how it works at the moment eventsheetmockupplan Decided to refactor it to generate typed gdscript


Its much easier to create bbcode links for further helper menus when its typed