blyxxyz / lexopt

Minimalist pedantic command line parser
MIT License
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argument-parser command-line getopt rust

Lexopt API reference MSRV CI

Lexopt is an argument parser for Rust. It tries to have the simplest possible design that's still correct. It's so simple that it's a bit tedious to use.

Lexopt is:


struct Args {
    thing: String,
    number: u32,
    shout: bool,

fn parse_args() -> Result<Args, lexopt::Error> {
    use lexopt::prelude::*;

    let mut thing = None;
    let mut number = 1;
    let mut shout = false;
    let mut parser = lexopt::Parser::from_env();
    while let Some(arg) = {
        match arg {
            Short('n') | Long("number") => {
                number = parser.value()?.parse()?;
            Long("shout") => {
                shout = true;
            Value(val) if thing.is_none() => {
                thing = Some(val.string()?);
            Long("help") => {
                println!("Usage: hello [-n|--number=NUM] [--shout] THING");
            _ => return Err(arg.unexpected()),

    Ok(Args {
        thing: thing.ok_or("missing argument THING")?,

fn main() -> Result<(), lexopt::Error> {
    let args = parse_args()?;
    let mut message = format!("Hello {}", args.thing);
    if args.shout {
        message = message.to_uppercase();
    for _ in 0..args.number {
        println!("{}", message);

Let's walk through this:

This covers most of the functionality in the library. Lexopt does very little for you.

For a larger example with useful patterns, see examples/

Command line syntax

The following conventions are supported:

These are not supported out of the box:

Parser::raw_args() and Parser::try_raw_args() provide an escape hatch for consuming the original command line. This can be used for custom syntax, like treating -123 as a number instead of a string of options. See examples/ for an example of this.


This library supports unicode while tolerating non-unicode arguments.

Short options may be unicode, but only a single codepoint (a char).

Options can be combined with non-unicode arguments. That is, --option=��� will not cause an error or mangle the value.

Options themselves are patched as by String::from_utf8_lossy if they're not valid unicode. That typically means you'll raise an error later when they're not recognized.


For a particular application I was looking for a small parser that's pedantically correct. There are other compact argument parsing libraries, but I couldn't find one that handled OsStrings and implemented all the fiddly details of the argument syntax faithfully.

This library may also be useful if a lot of control is desired, like when the exact argument order matters or not all options are known ahead of time. It could be considered more of a lexer than a parser.

Why not?

This library may not be worth using if:

See also