bmamlin / openmrs-contrib-metrics

OpenMRS Metrics
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OpenMRS Metrics

An ELK Stack for OpenMRS community data.

OpenMRS Metrics

What data?

How it works

GitHub archive data within Google Big Query are manually extracted using a query like this:

FROM `githubarchive.year.*`
AND ( IN (
        SELECT name FROM `openmrs-github-stats.openmrs_events.openmrs-repos`
  OR LOWER( like '%openmrs%'
  OR org.login='openmrs'

These GitHub events by year are extracted as newline delimited JSON files, gzipped, and stored in Google Drive.

This repository includes an ELK Stack comprising:

Known issues


NOTE: if you try running this stack and elasticsearch containers are exiting with error code 137, it is because they are running out of memory. If you want, you can monitor Docker memory usage from a terminal with docker ps -q | xargs docker stats --no-stream

Running the stack

  1. Clone this repository (git clone
  2. Within the github-data folder, run ./ to download data files
  3. In the top folder, run docker-compose up -d
  4. Wait for Kibana to show up at http://localhost:5601/
  5. Once the data have loaded (set date filter to last 15 years – back to at least 2014 – and open visualization "Event Counts" to see total number of events loaded... 2014-2022 includes 532,944 events), you'll need to manually add the filter for bots.

Manually adding "NOT bot" filter to exclude bots

Unfortunately, Kibana doesn't provide a way to export/save filters, so you will need to manually introduce the filter to exclude bots. The easiest way to do this is to navigate to the dashboard, remove any parameters from the URL (i.e., anything following a question mark and the question mark), and then paste the following parameters to the end of the URL in the browser's address bar:


Adding the above gibberish as the parameter portion of the URL should add a NOT bot filter to the view. You want to click on this filter and pin it if it is not already pinned. This will apply the bot filter by default to the dashboard and any visualations are queries you view (since we want to ignore bot activity for most views).

Manual installation from scratch

If you are new to git & Docker and are manually installing everything from scratch instead of using a machine pre-configured with git & Docker (like Digital Ocean provides for droplets in its marketplace), reviewing this issue might save you some time.

Tips on running the stack

Stopping temporarily

docker-compose pause

(start back up with docker-compose unpause)


docker-compose up -d

Stopping & cleaning up

Shut down the docker containers and clear elasticsearch volumes:

docker-compose down -v

Purge the postgres data:

rm -rf pgdata

Reloading data

If you download new data or make changes to github files, you must clear the pgdata subfolder (rm -rf pgdata) for data to get reloaded. If the pgdata folder contains any data, postgres will not try to load any new data.


Stack fails to run

If the stack fails to run, check the logs with:

docker-compose logs

If you see error message or messages of services being unreachable, scroll to where the errors begin. If you see a message like "max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144]", then increase virtual memory with:

sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144

To make the change permanent, you need to edit /etc/sysctl.conf and set vm.max_map_count to 262144 (from stackoverflow).

NOT bot filter not being created properly

If the NOT bot filter is not rendering as expected, it's possible the index pattern's ID has changed. You may notice a UUID (in the form c81b8f30-9848-11ed-883c-8984dc663080 in the first part of the "NOT bot" filter definition. If you navigate to Stack Management > Index Patterns in Kibana and select the default github* pattern, the UUID in the address bar for this index pattern should match the one referenced by the "NOT bot" filter. If they don't match, copy the UUID of the index pattern and replace the (like outdated) UUID in the "NOT bot" filter definition when adding the "NOT bot" filter to the address bar as described above.