bmatthews68 / inmemdb-maven-plugin

A Maven 3 plug-in that can be used to launch an in-memory database for use in integration tests. Apache Derby and HSQLDB are both supported.
Apache License 2.0
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In-Memory Database Maven Plugin

Build Status

The In-Memory Database Maven Plugin is a Maven plugin that can launch and shutdown an embedded in-memory SQL database within the Maven build life-cycle. During the launch the database can be seeded using DDL/DML scripts and/or DBUnit data sets.

The following database implementations are supported:

The following source file formats are supported:


The In-Memory Database Maven Plugin can be used to automate integration tests having a dependency on an external database server.


The POM here is from taken from the webapp integration test for the In-Memory Database Maven Plugin.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""

You can add special configuration on your database connection URL with attributes tag in the configuration part.


The In-Memory Database Maven Plugin is configured here to launch an in-memory Apache Derby database server as a daemon process during the pre-integration-test phase of the build life cycle. The database is initialised with a database schema and some seed data.


The In-Memory Database Maven Plugin is configured here to shutdown the in-memory Apache Derby database server during the post-integration-test phase of the build life cycle.

                        <connector implementation="org.eclipse.jetty.server.nio.SelectChannelConnector">

The Jetty Maven Plugin is configured here to launch the Jetty servlet container as a daemon process during the pre-integration-test phase of the build life cycle.


The Jetty Maven Plugin is configured here to shutdown the Jetty servlet container during the post-integration-test phase of the build life cycle.


The org.apache.derby:derbyclient and commons-dbcp:commons-dbcp dependencies are required in order to define the data source that connects to the in-memory Apache Derby database.


The Maven Failsafe Plugin is used to execute the integration tests during the integration-test phase of the build life cycle.


The com.btmatthews.selenium.junit4:selenium-junit-runner and junit:junit dependencies are required by the integration tests.


Add the following fragment of XML to the jetty.xml to define a data source for the test database.

<New class="">
        <Ref id="Server" />
        <New class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource">
            <Set name="username">sa</Set>
            <Set name="password"></Set>
            <Set name="url">jdbc:derby://localhost/memory:test</Set>
            <Set name="driverClassName">org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver</Set>


Add the following to the web.xml to make the data source defined in jetty.xml inside the web application:


Maven Central Coordinates

The In-Memory Database Maven Plugin has been published in Maven Central at the following coordinates:



This project contains contributions from:

License & Source Code

The In-Memory Database Maven Plugin is made available under the Apache License and the source code is hosted on GitHub at