bmbruno / spark-server-lite

MIT License
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SparkServer Lite

A simple blog management and hosting platform built on SQLite and ASP.NET Core MVC (.NET 6).


Blogs posts are written with Markdown.


To set up SparkServer Lite:

1) Ensure a .NET 6 runtime is installed.

2) Run SQL build scripts (from a terminal) to create the SQLite database (includes test data for local development).

3) Run dotnet build then dotnet run to start the local server.


SparkServer Lite is configured to use a custom-built SSO system. The AccountController can be updated to use your login system of choice.

For local development and testing, enabling debug mode (see App Settings descriptors) will automatically log UserID 1 into the system. WARNING: do not enable debug mode on production deployments.

Technical Information

Standard Media Sizes

Default Blog Banners

Blog posts can have default images configured. The "Get Next Banner" button on the Blog Edit page will automatically pull the next unused default image, returning to the first image once reaching the last.

Images to be used as default blog banners should be placed in the following folder and named with sequential integers (01, 02, 03... 22, 23, etc.):


There should a numbered file and a thumbnail version.

App Settings descriptors

System configuration

Backend server configuration

SSO configuration

These settings are only used with the QuickSSO system.

Content Settings descriptors

Site-wide content

Footer content

Contact The Author

For questions / comments / issues, contact me: