bmhagui / power_up_tool

Task management and power saving for laptops.
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========= Power_Up

Power_up is a tool that will help extend your battery life and make better use of your processing power. This is achieved by pausing your inactive window applications (SIGSTOP signal is sent to all processes in the background, and a SIGCONT to the one in the foreground).


.. code:: sh

sudo apt-get install xdotool

.. code:: sh

sudo apt-get install wmctrl

.. code:: sh

sudo apt-get install mawk

How to use:

  1. Download and extract power_up.

  2. Navigate to power_up application folder. Compile (using make all) and launch the executable generated of the latest version of the application.

  3. Configuration files are now set up in ~/.config/power_up/

    black_list.conf contains the names of applications you never want to pause.

    refresh_list.conf the aplications you want to pause but activate every REFRESH_RATE_S (in seconds) for atleast REFRESH_RATE_S (in seconds).

    The names added to either lists have to be something specific to the application entended, for example firefox or spotify. Use power_up with the flag -l to display the list of names of currently running applications.


--refresh-list or -r

--black-list or -b

--kill-power-up or --k

--list-apps or -l

--toggle-active-window or -t

--wait-for or --w

--configure-pause-and-refresh-rates or -c

--verbose or -v

--help or -h


For auto-completiton you will need to do the following:

  1. Use the Makefile with the option install make install. This will copy a file called power_up to the directory /etc/bash_completion.d/.

  2. Source the file mentionned previously with the following command: . /etc/bash_completion.d/power_up

  3. You can now type use [TAB][TAB] to autocomplete the flags you would like to use with power_up

use the flag --help or --h for further instructions.