bmihelac / feincms-feincmsext

Extensions for FeinCMS
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Extensions for FeinCMS.

Various experimental tools and modules for FeinCMS.

Example application is bundled (run ./ inside example folder to symlink FeinCMS media files.


Adds navigation_type fields to pages. Depending on the navigation_type, navigation can be splitted, in primary links, secondary links and so on.

Navigation types can be defined in settings

    ('primary_links', _('primary links')),
    ('secondary_links', _('secondary links')),

extended_navigation template tag, together with mptt tree_info template filter renders tree structure.

extended_navigation uses and requires django-templatetag-sugar


group_page_content templatetag allows more complex layouts by grouping page contents with regular expressions. Here are some examples:

Wrap image content in div, but if it is followed by textcontent group them together under the same div:

{% group_page_content feincms_page.content.main "[imagecontent][rawcontent]?" as content_groups %}

This will return group list, each group will contain name, contents tuple. Name is by integer with value of 0 for 1st match, 1 for 2nd, etc. Groups that were not listed in expression would have value -1.

You can also give groups a name:

{% group_page_content feincms_page.content.main "<myname>[imagecontent][rawcontent]?" as content_groups %}

Group 2 successive text contents together in newsletter like columns:

{% group_page_content feincms_page.content.main "[rawcontent]{2}" as content_groups %}

-group_page_content screenshot

Separate multiple groups with a slash /:

{% group_page_content feincms_page.content.main "[imagecontent][rawcontent]? / [rawcontent][imagecontent]?" as content_groups %}

is_equal_or_parent_or_pretender tag

Use this tag instead of is_equal_or_parent_of filter add current class to HTMl navigation if you use navigation extensions, and structure can be guessed from URL scheme.

TODO: add example


Django management command to create structure from text file.

Menu structure file:

# Home
## Menu 1
### Menu 1.1
## {"template_key": "inner.html"} Menu 2
### Menu 2.1

This would delete ALL EXISTING PAGES and create structure from file:

./ importstructure --delete_all menus.txt

And this would add structure from the text file to page with id of 1:

./ importstructure --root 1 menus.txt

JSON options can be used to update default Page attributes.

In example above both "Menu 1.1" and "Menu 2.1" have template_key set to

simple permissions

For any page, following permissions can be set.

To add simple permission, add 'feincmsext.simple_permission' to INSTALLED_APPS and update AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS with:



simple permissions are implemented in example app for user1 (pass)


Create content types for given content_types_conf.

content_types_conf is a list or tuple, each element should have content type configuration.

Content type configuration is list or tuple with following elements: