bmork / defogger

D-Link DCS-8000LH usage info and defogging tools
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8620LH #39

Open adriannnpv opened 3 months ago

adriannnpv commented 3 months ago

I've hacked into a DCS-8620LH but it seems I can't login to the RTSP stream, even tho the console prints this

[RtspServer_set_loginInfo] stream_num : 2 , username : admin , password : 490027  stream type : h265 h264 - aac
RTSP server ip filter : 0

and this

RTPINFO: rtpWriterOpen: called for name = sip=,prt=554,mpath=live,ses=profile.0,vid=h265,aud=aac,ach=1,sr=16000,abps=16000,bch=1,mod=0,ums=1370,tms=8192,mip=NULL,mptv=5678,mpta=2345,mp2t=0,sto=60,user=admin,pass=490027,rtcp=0,sri=3000
RTPINFO: rtpWriterOpen: Calling parse function
RTPINFO: Create Session namely profile.0 with rtspSingleModeFlag as 0 UDP MTU size as 1370 and TCP MTU size as 8192
!!!INFO!!! :
        ServerHandle = 7673704
        SessionName = profile.0
        MulticastIP = (null)
        FileEndTime = 0 sec

        MaxBitrate = 0
        MinBitrate = 0

        MaxFramerate = 0
        MinFramerate = 0
!!!INFO!!! : Waiting for RTSP Client Connection on port 554
!!!INFO!!! : User added to session 7674016
RTPINFO: rtpWriterOpen: RTSP server started on IP =, port = 554
RTPINFO: rtpWriterOpen: exits
data start 246192 index start 28 data_circle 0 index circle 0
ch:0 === ch_type:0 === 0x6c55ec
data start 4800 index start 6 data_circle 0 index circle 0
ch:1 === ch_type:0 === 0x751b04
RTPINFO: rtpWriterCreate: exits
RTPINFO: rtpWriterOpen: called for name = sip=,prt=554,mpath=live,ses=profile.1,vid=h264,aud=aac,ach=1,sr=16000,abps=16000,bch=1,mod=0,ums=1370,tms=8192,mip=NULL,mptv=5679,mpta=2346,mp2t=0,sto=60,user=admin,pass=490027,rtcp=0,sri=10000
RTPINFO: rtpWriterOpen: Calling parse function
RTPINFO: Create Session namely profile.1 with rtspSingleModeFlag as 0 UDP MTU size as 1370 and TCP MTU size as 8192
!!!INFO!!! :
        ServerHandle = 7673704
        SessionName = profile.1
        MulticastIP = (null)
        FileEndTime = 0 sec

        MaxBitrate = 0
        MinBitrate = 0

        MaxFramerate = 0
        MinFramerate = 0
!!!INFO!!! : User added to session 7504496
RTPINFO: rtpWriterOpen: RTSP server started on IP =, port = 554
RTPINFO: rtpWriterOpen: exits
data start 218056 index start 19 data_circle 0 index circle 0
ch:0 === ch_type:1 === 0x751c44
data start 5600 index start 7 data_circle 0 index circle 0
ch:1 === ch_type:0 === 0x7284d4
killall: dhcp6c: no process killed
!!!INFO!!! : 'H264' Stream Added Successfully
!!!INFO!!! : 'MPEG4-GENERIC' Stream Added Successfully
!!!INFO!!! : 'opus' Stream Added Successfully
killall: rdnssd: no process killed

When I try to login in VLC I get this

!!!INFO!!! : DESCRIBE Handle received from client
!!!INFO!!! : Get URL sessionName : live/profile.1/video
!!!INFO!!! : authHeader : Digest username="admin", realm="RtpRtspServer", nonce="ZGM2YWQxMDhhZTEyMzQ1Njc4OWFiY2RlZjI4OWFzZHNhZGFzbDs=", uri="rtsp://", response="d0274d020a8dcbbe374188ef1e357c47"
!!!ERROR!!! : Authorization failed

[Begin]=============== Rtsp Client Ack ==================[Begin]
RTSP/1.0 401 Unauthorized
CSeq: 4
Server: RtpRtspServer
WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="RtpRtspServer", nonce="ZGM2YWQxMDhiNTEyMzQ1Njc4OWFiY2RlZjI4OWFzZHNhZGFzbDs=", stale=FALSE


SystemConfig.ini looks like this

TimeZone = 0
VideoMode = 0
bFlip = 0
bMirror = 0
Rotate = 0
IrcutEnable = 1
InVol = 100
OutVol = 100
SirenVol = 100
SirenTime = 60
IrledDisable = 0
DevAccount = admin
DevPassWord = admin
Mac = 12:32:45:78:45:22
Vendor = QW9uaQ==
DevModel = QU9OSV9JUEM=
FactoryDefault = 0
ResetWifi = 1
IRcutSeq = 1
DNlux = 10

Enable = 0

Dhcp = on

adc_print_enable = 0
minLuxAdc = 700
maxLuxAdc = 1350
lux_level = 0

led_switch = 1
red_enable = 1
blue_enable = 1
green_enable = 1

point_x_0 = -1
point_y_0 = -1
point_x_1 = -1
point_y_1 = -1
point_x_2 = -1
point_y_2 = -1
point_x_3 = -1
point_y_3 = -1
point_x_4 = -1
point_y_4 = -1
point_x_5 = -1
point_y_5 = -1
point_x_6 = -1
point_y_6 = -1
point_x_7 = -1
point_y_7 = -1
point_x_8 = -1
point_y_8 = -1
point_y_8 = -1
point_x_9 = -1
point_y_9 = -1
point_x_10 = -1
point_y_10 = -1
point_x_11 = -1
point_y_11 = -1

Alarm_Enable = 0
MDLevel = 2
active1 = 0
day_flag1 = 0
start_time1 = 0
end_time1 = 0
active2 = 0
day_flag2 = 0
start_time2 = 0
end_time2 = 0
active3 = 0
day_flag3 = 0
start_time3 = 0
end_time3 = 0
active4 = 1
day_flag4 = 127
start_time4 = 0
end_time4 = 86400
alarm_interval = 60

OsdDisplayEnable = 1
OsdTimeStyle = 3
OsdTime12or24format = 24
OsdDeviceName =

NtpEnable = 1
NtpSrv1 =
DstActive = 0
DstOffsetSeconds = 0
DstStartTimestamp = 0
DstStopTimestamp = 0
SystimeDstStatus = 0

audio_detect_enable = 0
audio_record_enable = 1
trigger_db = 60
audioInterval = 60

enable = 0
sensitivity = 5
human_track_enable = 0

OnvifUser_0 = admin
OnvifDiscoveryMode = 1
OnvifHttpport = 80

enable = 0

enable = 0

GB = 0

pin_code = NDkwMDI3
register_st = 0
oob_changed = 0
oob_switch = 0
md_sensitivity = 70
pirvacy_mode = 0
light_status = 1
flicker = 0
mdzone0_x = 0
mdzone0_y = 0
mdzone1_x = 40
mdzone1_y = 0
mdzone2_x = 40
mdzone2_y = 20
mdzone3_x = 0
mdzone3_y = 20
alarm_type = 1
alarm_time = 60
odzone0_x = 0
odzone0_y = 0
odzone1_x = 544
odzone1_y = 0
odzone2_x = 544
odzone2_y = 320
odzone3_x = 0
odzone3_y = 320
alarm_en = 0

pir_1_on_off = 0
pir_2_on_off = 0
pir_3_on_off = 0
pir_sen_level = 0
pir_sen_percentage = 0

Enable = 0
Lightness = 50
Duration = 60

I even edited onvif section to add a new password and a new user, same thing it prints the new user/pass in the console, but I can't login

OnvifPsw_0 = admin
OnvifPsw_1 = admin
OnvifLevel_0 = administrator
OnvifLevel_1 = administrator

Any suggestions ?