bmsuisse / lakeapi

API for distributing Data Lake Data
MIT License
8 stars 2 forks source link
api columnar data-lake deltalake duckdb fastapi lakehouse polars rest-api sql



A FastAPI plugin that allows you to expose your data lake as an API, allowing several output formats such as Parquet, Csv, Json, Excel, ...

The LakeAPI also includes a minimal security layer for convenience (Basic Auth), but you can also bring your own.

Unlike roapi, we intentionally do not expose most SQL by default, but limit the possible queries with a config. This makes it easy for you to control what happens to your data. If you want the SQL endpoint, you can enable it. And because we built LakeAPI on the shoulders of giants like FastAPI. A lot of things like documentation and authentication are built in and we don't have to reinvent the wheel.

To run the application with the default config, just do it:

app = FastAPI()

To adjust the config, you can do like this:

import dataclasses
import bmsdna.lakeapi

def_cfg = bmsdna.lakeapi.get_default_config() # Get default startup config
cfg = dataclasses.replace(def_cfg, enable_sql_endpoint=True, data_path="tests/data") # Use dataclasses.replace to set the properties you want
sti = bmsdna.lakeapi.init_lakeapi(app, cfg, "config_test.yml") # Enable it. The first parameter is the FastAPI instance, the 2nd one is the basic config and the third one the config of the tables


PyPI version

Pypi Package bmsdna-lakeapi can be installed like any python package : pip install bmsdna-lakeapi

Basic Idea

Based on a YAML configuration and the data source, LakeAPI will automatically generate GET and/or POST endpoints. Calling the endpoint turns the query into an SQL statement that can be executed with the engine of your choice (duckdb or polars). The result is then seralised into the requested format (Json, CSV, Arrow etc).

This makes it super easy to distribute your data lake data to other systems. We use it internally to feed data to MS SQL Server, SQLite, Streamlit and Web Apps. You can host it wherever you want, we use Azure Websites which works fine even for very large data amounts.


Of course everything works with OpenAPI and FastAPI. This means you can add other FastAPI routes, you can use the /docs and /redoc endpoints.

So everything will be fully documented automatically, which is really cool. šŸ”„šŸ”„


DuckDB is the default query engine. Polars is also supported, but lack some features. The query engine can be specified at the route level and at the query level with the hidden parameter $engine="duckdb|polars". If you want polars, add the required extra.

At the moment, DuckDB seems to have an advantage and performs the best. Also features like full text search are only available with DuckDB.

A note on Deltalake Support

Deltalake is supported WITH Column Mapping, thanks to deltalake2db in Polars and DuckDB. Deletion Vectors are not supported yet.

Default Security

By Default, Basic Authentication is enabled. To add a user, simply run add_lakeapi_user YOURUSERNAME --yaml-file config.yml. This will add the user to your config yaml (argon2 encrypted). The generated Password is printed. If you do not want this logic, you can overwrite the username_retriver of the Default Config

Standalone Mode

If you just want to run this thing, you can run it with a webserver:

Uvicorn: uvicorn bmsdna.lakeapi.standalone:app --host --port 8080

Gunicorn: gunicorn bmsdna.lakeapi.standalone:app --workers 4 --worker-class uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker --bind

Of course you need to adjust your http options as needed. Also, you need to pip install uvicorn/gunicorn

You can still use environment variables for configuration

Environment Variables

Config File

The application by default relies on a Config file beeing present at the root of your project that's call config.yml.

The config file looks something like this, see also our test yaml:

  - name: fruits
    tag: test
    version: 1
      - get
      - post
      - name: cars
          - "="
          - in
      - name: fruits
          - "="
          - in
      uri: delta/fruits
      file_type: delta

  - name: fruits_partition
    tag: test
    version: 1
      - get
      - post
      - name: cars
          - "="
          - in
      - name: fruits
          - "="
          - in
      - name: pk
          - fruits
          - cars
      - name: combi
          - fruits
          - cars
      uri: delta/fruits_partition
      file_type: delta
        - name: A
        - name: fruits
        - name: B
        - name: cars

  - name: fake_delta
    tag: test
    version: 1
    allow_get_all_pages: true
      - get
      - post
      - name: name
          - "="
      - name: name1
          - "="
      uri: delta/fake
      file_type: delta

  # use duckdb database as file
  - name: fruits_duck
    tag: test
    version: 1
      - get
      - post
      uri: duckdb/fruits.db
      file_type: duckdb
      table_name: fruits
      - name: fruits
          - "="
          - in
      - name: cars
          - "="
          - "in"

  - name: fake_delta_partition
    tag: test
    version: 1
    allow_get_all_pages: true
      - get
      - post
      - name: name
          - "="
      - name: name1
          - "="
      uri: delta/fake
      file_type: delta

  - name: "*" # We're lazy and want to expose all in that folder. Name MUST be * and nothing else
    tag: startest
    version: 1
      - post
      uri: startest/* # Uri MUST end with /*
      file_type: delta

  - name: fruits # But we want to overwrite this one
    tag: startest
    version: 1
      - get
      uri: startest/fruits/${IN_URI_YOU_CAN_HAVE_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES}
      file_type: delta

  - name: mssql_department
    tag: mssql
    api_method: get
    engine: odbc #requires the odbc extra
      uri: DRIVER={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};SERVER=,1439;ENCRYPT=yes;TrustServerCertificate=Yes;UID=sa;PWD=${MY_SQL_PWD};Database=AdventureWorks
      table_name: "HumanResources.Department"
      - GroupName

Partitioning for awesome performance

To use partitions, you can either

Why partition by MD5 hash? Imagine you have a product id where most id's start with a 1 and some newer ones start with a 2. Most of the data will be in the first partition. If you use an MD5 hash, the data will be spread evenly across the partitions.

With this hack you can get sub-second results on very large data. šŸš€šŸš€

You need to use deltalake to use partitions, and you only need str partition columns for now.

Z-ordering can also help a lot :).

Even more features

ODBC Support / Sqlite Support

If you want to use ODBC , install the required extra (named odbc).

ODBC Tables cannot be queried through the sql endpoint for now because of Security Implications. We might allow this later if needed via explicit flag.

ODBC is tested against MS SQL Server using ODBC Driver 17 for MS SQL Server

To use Sqlite, you will need to install adbc_driver_sqlite yourself (pip install adbc_driver_sqlite).

Azure Support

Azure Support is tested and supported. S3/GCP could work in theory but is not tested. Supported configs are taken from object_store create and fsspec:

Supported settings are only those which are supported by BOTH projects. In practice you can currently use:

If you want to use Azure Default Credential, just specify account_name without any further option.

Further projects

Work in progress

Please note that this is a work in progress, changes will be made and things may break. Especially at this early stage. We recommend only using the export from bmsdna.lakeapi for now and not to use the submodules.



Feel free to contribute, report bugs or request enhancements.