bnaecker / pygsvd

Python and NumPy extension module implementing the generalized signular value decomposition (GSVD).
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A Python wrapper to the LAPACK generalized singular value decomposition.

(C) 2017 Benjamin Naecker


The pygsvd module exports a single function gsvd, which computes the generalized singular value decomposition (GSVD) of a pair of matrices, A and B. The GSVD is a joint decomposition useful for computing regularized solutions to ill-posed least-squares problems, as well as dimensionality reduction and clustering.

The pygsvd module is very simple: it just wraps the underlying LAPACK routine ggsvd3, both the double-precision (dggsvd3) and complex-double precision versions (zggsvd3).


Because the pygsvd module wraps a LAPACK routine itself, it is provided as a Python and NumPy extension module. The module must be compiled, and doing so requires a LAPACK header and a shared library. The module currently supports both the standard C bindings to LAPACK (called LAPACKE), and those provided by Intel's Math Kernel Library. Notably it does not support Apple's Accelerate framework, which seems to be outdated and differs in several subtle and annoying ways.

You can build against either of the supported implementations, by editing the setup.cfg file. Set the define= line in the file to be one of USE_LAPACK (the default) or USE_MKL.

You must also add the include and library directories for these. The build process already searches /usr/local/{include,lib}, but if these don't contain the header and library, add the directory containing these to the include_dirs= and library_dirs= line. Multiple directories are separated by a :. You can also set these on the command line when building.

For example, to use the LAPACK library, with a header in /some/dir/ and the library in /some/libdir/, you could run:

$ python3 build_ext --include-dirs="/some/dir" --library-dirs="/some/libdir"

Then you can install the module either as usual or in develop mode as:

$ python3 {install,develop}

Or via pip as:

$ pip3 install .


The GSVD of a pair of NumPy ndarrays a and b can be computed as:

>>> c, s, x = pygsvd.gsvd(a, b)

This returns the generalized singular values, in arrays c and s, and the right generalized singular vectors in x. Optionally, the transformation matrices u and`v may also be computed. E.g.:

>>> c, s, x, u = pygsvd.gsvd(a, b, extras='u')

also returns the left generalized singular vectors of a.

By default, the matrices u and v, if returned, are of shape (m, n) and (p, n). Using the optional argument full_matrices is set to True, then the matrices are square, of shape (m, m) and (p, p).

The generalized singular value decomposition

The GSVD is a joint decomposition of a pair of matrices. Given matrices A with shape (m, n) and B with shape (p, n), it computes:

    A = U*C*X.T
    B = V*S*X.T

where U and V are unitary matrices, with shapes (m, m) and (p, p), and X is shaped as (n, n), respectively. C and S are diagonal (possibly non-square) matrices containing the generalized singular value pairs.

This decomposition has many uses, including least-squares fitting of ill-posed problems. For example, letting B be the "second derivative" operator one can solve the equation

min_x ||Ax - b||^2 + \lambda ||Bx||^2

using the GSVD, which achieves a smoother solution as \lambda is increased. Similarly, setting B to the identity matrix, this becomes the standard ridge regression problem. These are both versions of the Tichonov regularization problem, for which the GSVD provides a useful and efficient solution.