bnb-chain / node-deploy

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Deployment tools of BSC


Before proceeding to the next steps, please ensure that the following packages and softwares are well installed in your local machine:

If you would setup nodes on k8s environment, the following packages and softwares are necessary:

Quick Start

  1. Clone this repository

    git clone
  2. For the first time, please execute the following command

    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  3. Make geth, bootnode binary files, and put them into bin/ folder.

    git clone
    cd bsc && make geth
    go build -o ./build/bin/bootnode ./cmd/bootnode

cp ./build/bin/geth ../bin/geth cp ./build/bin/bootnode ../bin/bootnode

4. Configure the cluster

You can configure the cluster by modifying the following files:

  1. Setup all nodes. two different ways, choose as you like.
    #native deploy without docker
    bash -x ./ reset # will reset the cluster and start
    bash -x ./ stop  # only stop the cluster
    bash -x ./ start # only start the cluster
    bash -x ./ restart # start the cluster after stopping it
#on k8s environment
minikube start
bash -x ./ install_k8s
kubectl -n bsc port-forward svc/bsc-node-0 8545:8545
  1. Setup a full node. If you want to run a full node to test snap/full syncing, you can run:

Attention: it relies on the validator cluster, so you should set up validators by first.

# start a full sync node0
bash +x ./ start 0 full
# start a snap sync node1
bash +x ./ start 1 snap
# restart the snap sync node1
bash +x ./ restart 1 snap
# stop the snap sync node1
bash +x ./ stop 1 snap
# clean the snap sync node1
bash +x ./ clean 1 snap
# start a snap sync node as fast node
bash +x ./ start 2 snap "--tries-verify-mode none"
# start a snap sync node with prune ancient
bash +x ./ start 3 snap "--pruneancient"
# start pruneblock for a node
bash +x ./ pruneblock 3 snap

You can see the logs in .local/bsc/fullnode.

Generally, you need to wait for the validator to produce a certain amount of blocks before starting the full/snap syncing test, such as 1000 blocks.

Background transactions

## normal tx
cd txbot
go build

## blob tx
cd txblob
go build

Register validators in StakeHub(Optional)

After bc-fusion, the governance feature is transferred to bsc from bc, so register the validators into StakeHub if trying to test the governance.

cd create-validator

go build

switch the flag
