bndkt / sharemystack

Share your stack with the world!
349 stars 31 forks source link
bun expo ios monorepo react-native reactnative remix supabase tamagui

Share My Stack

Share My Stack Screenshots

Curate your personal productivity stack or your favorite development stack. Share it within the app or on social media. Discover what other people are using and get inspired to try out new tools.

This is the original repository of the app Share My Stack, which you can download from the App Store today:

Download on the App Store

Share My Stack is also launching on Product Hunt today, please check it out:

Share My Stack - Share your stack with the world | Product Hunt

To find out more about Share My Stack, check out

[!NOTE] This app (and all code in this repo) was created by Benedikt Müller (@bndkt, I'm making this repo accessible for educational purposes and as inspiration, but without license. I'm available for freelance work in React and React Native projects, please reach out to me at

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Planned technical enhancements