bnsreenu / digitalsreeni-image-annotator

A python based GUI to annotate images and save annotations as COCO style JSON format.
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DigitalSreeni Image Annotator and Toolkit

Python Version License PyPI version

A powerful and user-friendly tool for annotating images with polygons and rectangles, built with PyQt5. Now with additional supporting tools for comprehensive image processing and dataset management.

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DigitalSreeni Image Annotator Demo

Watch the demo (of v0.8.0):

Watch the demo video

@DigitalSreeni Dr. Sreenivas Bhattiprolu


Operating System Requirements

This application is built using PyQt5 and has been tested on macOS and Windows. It may experience compatibility issues on Linux systems, particularly related to the XCB plugin for PyQt5. Extensive testing on Linux systems has not been done yet.


Watch the installation walkthough video:

Watch the installation video

You can install the DigitalSreeni Image Annotator directly from PyPI:

pip install digitalsreeni-image-annotator

The application uses the Ultralytics library, so there's no need to separately install SAM2 or PyTorch, or download SAM2 models manually.


  1. Run the DigitalSreeni Image Annotator application:





    python -m digitalsreeni_image_annotator.main
  2. Using the application:

    • Click "New Project" or use Ctrl+N to start a new project.
    • Use "Add New Images" to import images, including TIFF stacks and CZI files.
    • Add classes using the "Add Classes" button.
    • Select a class and use the Polygon or Rectangle or Paint Brush tool to create manual annotations.
    • To use SAM2-assisted annotation:
      • Select a model from the "Pick a SAM Model" dropdown. It's recommended to use smaller models like SAM2 tiny or SAM2 small. SAM2 large is not recommended as it may crash the application on systems with limited resources.
      • Note: When you select a model for the first time, the application needs to download it. This process may take a few seconds to a minute, depending on your internet connection speed. Subsequent uses of the same model will be faster as it will already be cached locally, in your working directory.
      • Click the "SAM-Assisted" button to activate the tool.
      • Draw a rectangle around objects of interest to allow SAM2 to automatically detect objects.
      • Note that SAM2 provides various outputs with different scores, and only the top-scoring region will be displayed. If the desired result isn't achieved on the first try, draw again.
      • For low-quality images where SAM2 may not auto-detect objects, manual tools may be necessary.
      • When SAM2 auto-detect partial objects, use polygon or paint brush tools to manually define the remaining region and use the Merge tool to combine both annotations into one.
      • When SAM2 over-annotates objects, extending the annotation beyond object's boundaries, use the Eraser tool to clean up the edges.
      • Both paint brush and eraser tools can be adjusted for pen size by using - or = keys on your keyboard.
    • Edit existing annotations by double-clicking on them.
    • Edit existing annotations using the Eraser tool. Adjust the eraser size by using - or = keys on your keyboard.
    • Merge connected annotations by selecting them from the Annotations list and clicking the Merge button.
    • Change the class of an annotation to a different class.
    • Turn visibility of a class ON and OFF.
    • Use YOLO (beta) training with current annotations and load the trained model to segment images and convert segmentations to annotations. (Currently not implemented for slices or stacks, just single images.)
    • Accept/reject one or select class predictions at a time to add them as annotations.
    • View area measurements for annotations displayed next to the Annotation name.
    • Sort annotations by name/number or area.
    • Save your project using "Save Project" or Ctrl+S. Alternatively, you can use Save As... to save the project with a different name.
    • Use "Open Project" or Ctrl+O to load a previously saved project.
    • Click "Import Annotations with Images" to load existing COCO JSON annotations along with their images.
    • Use "Export Annotations" to save annotations in various formats (COCO JSON, YOLO v8/v11, Labeled images, Semantic labels, Pascal VOC).
      • Note: YOLO export (and import) is now compatible with YOLOv11 structure. (Project directory includes data.yaml, train, and valid directories, with train and valid both having images and labels subdirectories.)
    • Project Details:
      • Access project details by selecting "Project Details" from the Project menu.
      • View project metadata such as creation date, last modified date, and image information.
      • Add or edit custom project notes.
      • Project details are automatically saved when you make changes to the notes.
    • Advanced Project Search:
      • Access the search functionality by selecting "Search Projects" from the Project menu.
      • Search through multiple projects using complex queries.
      • Use logical operators (AND, OR) and parentheses for advanced search criteria.
      • Search covers project name, class names, image names, and project notes.
      • Example queries:
      • "cells AND dog": Find projects containing both "cells" and "dog"
      • "cells OR bacteria": Find projects containing either "cells" or "bacteria"
      • "cells AND (dog OR monkey)": Find projects containing "cells" and either "dog" or "monkey"
      • "(project1 OR project2) AND (cells OR bacteria)": More complex nested queries
      • Double-click on search results to open the corresponding project.
    • Access additional tools under the Tools menu bar:
      • Annotation Statistics
      • COCO JSON Combiner
      • Dataset Splitter
      • Stack to Slices Converter
      • Image Patcher
      • Image Augmenter
    • Each tool opens a separate UI to guide you through the respective task.
    • Access the help documentation by clicking the "Help" button or pressing F1.
    • Explore the interface – you might stumble upon some hidden gems and secret features!
  3. Keyboard shortcuts:

    • Ctrl + N: Create a new project
    • Ctrl + O: Open an existing project
    • Ctrl + S: Save the current project
    • Ctrl + W: Close the current project
    • Ctrl + Shift + S: Open Annotation Statistics
    • F1: Open the help window
    • Ctrl + Wheel: Zoom in/out
    • Hold Ctrl and drag: Pan the image
    • Esc: Cancel current annotation, exit edit mode, or exit SAM-assisted annotation
    • Enter: Finish current annotation, exit edit mode, or accept SAM-generated mask
    • Up/Down Arrow Keys: Navigate through slices in multi-dimensional images
      • and =: Adjust pen size for paint brush and eraser tools

Known Issues and Bug Fixes


For development purposes, you can clone the repository and install it in editable mode:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd digitalsreeni-image-annotator
  2. Create a virtual environment (optional but recommended):

    python -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows, use `venv\Scripts\activate`
  3. Install the package and its dependencies in editable mode:

    pip install -e .


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.



Dr. Sreenivas Bhattiprolu - @DigitalSreeni

Project Link:


If you use this software in your research, please cite it as follows:

Bhattiprolu, S. (2024). DigitalSreeni Image Annotator [Computer software].

  author = {Bhattiprolu, Sreenivas},
  title = {DigitalSreeni Image Annotator},
  year = {2024},
  url = {}