bntjah / lc-installer

Lancache Installer Script
8 stars 9 forks source link

Important note

Most of the stuff here isnt upt to date any more I suggest you take a look over @

lancache installer script

Short Changelog

This script has been tested under Debian 8.6 amd64.

1) git clone -b master --recursive
2) cd lc-installer
3) chmod +x
4) ./
5) Reboot your system


A) It should ask you the first time which interface you want it to use for lancache .
If you want to reconfigure this at a later stage, please delete the file: /usr/local/lancache/config/interface_used

Optional A) Monitor Through nload
    -A.1 sudo apt-get install nload -y
    -A.2 sudo nload -U G - u M -i 102400 -o 102400
Optional B) Monitor Network Usage Through iftop
    -B.1 sudo apt-get install iftop -y
    -B.2 sudo iftop -i eth1
    Note: eth1 is the interface I've defined for lancache to use (please use it only as an example)