bobbilisantosh321 / CapstoneProject-HotelManagement-System

The main goal of this project is to provide a portal with simple user interface to hotel management (receptionist, manager or a owner) to manage their customer data digitally.
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Hotel Management System

The main goal of this project is to provide a portal with simple user interface to hotel management (receptionist, manager or a owner) to manage their customer data digitally.

The following use cases will be covered as part of this project:

  1. Admin Login
  2. Adding/Managing Rooms
  3. Rooms listings
  4. Check Room Availability
  5. Guest Registration
  6. Guest Listings
  7. Room Reservation
  8. Check Reservation
  9. Cancel Reservation
  10. Refund Management
  11. Checkout Management
  12. Billing Management
  13. Room Service Management
  14. Food Management
  15. Laundry Management

How to access the application:

Application is deployed on AWS EC2 instance. It can be access through this instance:

  1. UserID: admin
  2. Password: test

Technology stack:

Front End (User Interface): HTML, JavaScript

Service Layers: Python Django Framework

Database: MySQL

Deployement: AWS EC2 Ubuntu Instance
