bobbingwide / dupes

Cater for duplicate slugs in WordPress content
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Black box / round trip testing for content with duplicated values in the post_name field.


Use the dupes plugin to test scenarios that cause duplicate values in the post_name field leading to incorrectly displayed content, from the user's point of view.

For many years WordPress has allowed the user to define a permalink structure such that permalinks can be duplicated between posts. This can lead to the user being shown a link to some content which, when clicked, doesn't actually deliver the content proposed.

WordPress TRAC issue #13459 covers the initial problem, raised for a permalink structure of /%postname%/.

Deeper investigation has indicated there are a number of other problems that could/should be fixed.

v0.1.0 of this plugin doesn't yet do anything to fix the problems. It only contains PHPUnit tests to demonstrate where problems occur.

The tests currently produce two failures.

  1. The original problem, where the duplicate page is returned instead of the post.
  2. The inability to retrieve the post by its post ID, when there's a duplicate page.

The tests don't give a clear indication of the actual test coverage and results. This would be nice to have. In the meantime, you'll have to read the tests and the PHPUnit test results in phpunit.json.


The tests have been developed to run either In Situ, which means they can be run in an existing installation, or as block box testing using WordPress develop.

In both cases the tests use wp_remote_get() to attempt to access the duplicated posts in the same way that an end user would. The test website therefore needs to be accessible with valid values for WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL).

In my development environment the installations are within subdirectories of /apache/htdocs. Rather than using localhost I use a domain name of s.b, and connect using the https scheme.

Installation type WordPress core in Home URL / Site URL
In Situ cwiccer https://s.b/cwiccer/
WordPress develop wordpress-develop/src https://s.b/wordpress-develop/src/
In Situ wordpress-develop/src https://s.b/wordpress-develop/src/

For In Situ testing:

  1. Upload the contents of the dupes plugin to the `/wp-content/plugins/dupes' directory
  2. Install oik-batch and wordpress-develop-tests plugins.
  3. Change directory to the dupes plugin.
  4. Run the In Situ PHPUnit tests using oik-batch's oik-phpunit.php

eg. Using phpunit.bat

php ..\..\plugins\oik-batch\oik-phpunit.php "--verbose" "--disallow-test-output" "--log-junit=phpunit.json" %*

For black box testing using WordPress-develop

  1. Install the latest WordPress/wordpress-develop into a local environment
  2. Check the content is accessible from a browser
  3. Enable the WordPress core PHPUnit tests. See
  4. Copy or symlink the tests/test-issue-13459.php file from dupes to tests/phpunit/tests
  5. Change directory to the root directory of the local environment
  6. Run PHPUnit with --filter Tests-issue-13459

eg. Using phpempty.bat

@echo Run PHPUnit against WordPress core.
rem See
cd \apache\htdocs\wordpress-develop
php c:\apache\htdocs\phpLibraries\phpunit\phpunit-9.5.5.phar "--verbose" "--disallow-test-output" "--log-junit=phpunit.json" %*


  1. None

Upgrade Notice


Now supports testing In Situ testing using oik-batch and/or black box testing in a WordPress-develop environment.


First version of In Situ PHP Unit tests for WordPress TRAC issue #13459




Further reading

The In Situ tests are dependent upon a number of other plugins:
