oik-tip.php packages the source files for a WordPress theme into a .zip file ready for release to the general public.
The packaging process ensures up to date versions are released
- update the theme's style.css
- update the theme's readme.txt
- build a new version of the README.md file for GitHub
What it does not do:
- Create minimised versions of .css and .js files
- run Unit Tests
- perform translation
- update the API reference
- Upload the contents of the oik-tip plugin to the `/wp-content/plugins/oik-tip' directory
- Create a batch file called tip.bat to invoke the oik-tip routine, through oik-wp.php from oik-batch
php c:\apache\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\oik-batch\oik-wp.php c:\apache\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\oik-tip\oik-tip.php %*
Frequently Asked Questions
How does it work?
Read the code
What are the dependencies?
- 7-ZIP
- an editor
- t2m - convert a readme.txt file to README.md ( github.com/bobbingwide/txt2md )
Does it use Composer?
No. But it may be enabled for use with Composer
Why not WP-CLI?
Now that I need most of WordPress to do all the things I'm working towards using WP-CLI
primarily to handle command line parameters.
Is it integrated with Git?
It will be, when I've made more progress with the oik-git shared library.
Is it integrated with SVN?
No. Updating the SVN version is currently a manual process performed after creating the .zip and updating GitHub.
- oik-tip in action - not actually taken
Upgrade Notice
Tested with WordPress 4.6-RC2
Now includes the custom.css file.
Finally put under version control.
First version of the plugin, available from GitHub and oik-plugins.
- Changed: Now needs to be run under oik-wp
- Changed: Corrected descriptions, which had been swapped between oik-tip and oik-zip
- Changed: Includes the custom.css file in the .zip file. First part [github bobbingwide oik-tip issue 1]
- Added: First version on GitHub