bobbylight / RSTALanguageSupport

A library adding code completion and other advanced features for Java, JavaScript, Perl, and other languages to RSyntaxTextArea.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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This library contains "language support" for various languages for RSyntaxTextArea. "Language support" is a little vague, but it generally means auto-completion of function names and/or Parsers for the language (i.e. squiggle-underlining of errors in the source code).

Documentation is sparse for the moment, but should improve over time.

Besides RSyntaxTextArea and AutoComplete, this library depends on Rhino. Rhino is used to implement the code completion and syntax checking for JavaScript.

RSTALanguageSupport is available under a modified BSD license. For more information, visit

Supported Languages and Status

Languages supported in this library include:

Using this Library in your Project

By far, the easiest way to use this library is by simply registering any RSyntaxTextAreas in your application with the This is done as follows:

RSyntaxTextArea textArea = new RSyntaxTextArea(25, 70);

Then, whenever you call textArea.setSyntaxEditingStyle(String style), language support will automatically be installed as appropriate. If you set the style to a language with no language support, then any previous language support will be removed. If you set the style to a language with support, any existing language support will be replaced.

Language support options may vary from language to language. To tweak the functionality or appearance for a particular language, you have to edit the for that language. As an example, here is how you can retrieve the LanguageSupport for Perl:

LanguageSupportFactory lsf = LanguageSupportFactory.get();
PerlLanguageSupport support = (PerlLanguageSupport)lsf.

Now, you can tweak language-specific options. For example, PerlLanguageSupport has a method named setUseParensWithFunctions(boolean) that toggles whether parens are used to wrap parameters inserted via parameter assistance. This setting can be toggled to match whether you prefer to "use strict".

Concrete implementations of LanguageSupport are shared amongst all text editors that are highlighting the same language. Thus, in the above example, calling support.setUseParensWithFunctions(false) will affect all currently open instances of RSyntaxTextArea editing Perl, as well as all future instances.


For each supported language, the corresponding LanguageSupport class can have widely-varying implementations, so you have to drill into the source for your particular language to see how things work. The Java language support, for example, scans jars on the classpath to initialize code completion. Many static languages, however, seed their code completion information from the contents of the project's data/ folder:

  data/                           Input XML for some languages
  RSTALanguageSupport/            The library source code
  RSTALanguageSupportDemo/        A demo application showing off the library

Subdirectories of data/ contain Perl scripts and input files for generating the XML files used by various languages for code completion. If you want to improve the code completion for one of these languages, this is where you have to work. But send me any updates you make! Any improvement, especially to the method and parameter descriptions, is welcome.

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