bobbylite / dotnet-onlybalds

OnlyBlads platform built with dotnet Blazor and Web Apis. Authenticated and authorized with Auth0 iDp
GNU General Public License v3.0
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OnlyBalds :bald_man:

.NET Blazor API

OnlyBalds is a Blazor application with a dedicated Web API for backend operations. It's designed to provide a seamless user experience for our bald community.

:file_folder: Projects

The solution contains three projects:

  1. Blazor Server: This project handles the server-side rendering of the Blazor application.
  2. Blazor Client: This project is responsible for the client-side logic and UI of the Blazor application.
  3. Web API: This project provides the backend for frontend (BFF) implementations, serving as the bridge between the Blazor application and the database.

:rocket: Getting Started

To get started with the OnlyBalds application, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd OnlyBalds
  3. Restore the packages: dotnet restore
  4. Run the application: dotnet run

:gear: Built With

:handshake: Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check issues page.

:memo: License

This project is MIT licensed.