bobdenotter / gridviewfield

A Gridview Field extension for Bolt contenttypes.
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Compatibility with Bolt v3.3.6 #15

Closed nbehier closed 6 years ago

nbehier commented 6 years ago

Today, I upgrade a website from 2.2.24 to 3.3.6 (follow the steps : new Bolt install, put my old config/theme/files/db, refresh db, reinstall extensions). I installed the gridfield extension v1.1.1.

One of my contenttype is defined as :

            type: grid
            sorting: false
            rowheaders: true
            rowmove: false
                date: Date
                duration: Temps passé
                type: Type
                desc: Détails
            height: 400
            group: Log

When I go to bolt admin, I see an empty grid field (even if there were some db data before for that entity). If I add some data and save entity, no error is displayed and grid display data. But If a refresh my admin, no data is included on grid (neither on front page). I do not have JS error on chrome console.

Do you have any idea or test to help me to debug ?

bobdenotter commented 6 years ago

I just tagged version 1.1.2 that should fix this.

nbehier commented 6 years ago

Thanks a lot @bobdenotter… as usual!