bobdenotter / gridviewfield

A Gridview Field extension for Bolt contenttypes.
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Gridview Field

This extension allows you to add a gridfield to your contenttypes, that you can use to quickly add tabular data. After installing the extension, add a field to a contenttype in contenttypes.yml, like this:

            type: grid
            sorting: true
            rowheaders: true
            rowmove: true
                firstname: First name
                lastname: Last name
                address: Address
                zipcode: Zip code
                city: City
                country: Country
                email: Email
                password: Password
            height: 300

The field can have the following field-level options:

To output the result in your templates, you can access record.grid, like any other field in your records. If you've renamed the field in your contenttype, you'll obviously need to use the changedname here as well. To get a quick dump of what's in there, use:

        {{ dump(grid) }}

In most cases you'll wish to display the information from the grid as a table in the template. USe the following snippet to do so:

    {% if record.grid is json %}
        {% set grid = record.grid|json_decode %}

        <table border="1">
        {% for row in grid %}
                {% for cell in row %}
                    <td>{{ cell }}</td>
                {% endfor %}
        {% endfor %}
    {% else %}
        No grid.
    {% endif %}

This extension uses the Handsontable javascript spreadsheet library.