bodaay / GoOpenDrop

a Go Implementation and Enhancement of the Awesome Open Source AirDrop implementation work of seemoo-lab:
GNU General Public License v3.0
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airdrop go golang goopendrop macos opendrop raspberry-pi raspberrypi


a Go Implementation and Enhancement of the Awesome Open Source AirDrop implementation work of seemoo-lab openairdrop


- Support Sending/Receiving Multiple Files. Photos/videos are sent as one request, and any other file of the same Apple UType will be sent together
- Support for BLE 5.0, using BLUEZ with d-bus interface
- Handling all BLE related work, by sending proper Airdrop beacon to intiate Airdrop on Mobiles side, and by capturing BLE beacons to start advertising Zeronconf Service
- Pure Go CPIO Archive implementation written for this project, with auto detection of GZipped CPIO
- Easy Customization and Integration, All Core Requried functionality in one file with a "INTEGRATION POINT" Comment Tag

Required APT Packages:

These the packages required on a Debian based OS
sudo apt install libpcap0.8 libev4 bluez

Required OWL Binaries:

I've included seemoo-lab Compiled OWL Binaries, you can use it, or build it from source:

Extraction of Apple Keys:

You MUST do the extraction Step of Keys, GoOpenDrop will not generate self signed certificates.

Extraction of the keys benefits:

Copy the Extracted keys and validation_record to "Keys" Folder, and run the script: to remove the passphrase

On Mobile Side, you just add a contact with the same email address used for the extracted Apple ID used for extraction

Follow this repo for extraction:

Example of a verified /Ask post Request:

GoOpenDrop Configuration

At the moment, GoOpenDrop Just use a simple json file for configurations

parameter Type Default
inbox_folder string INBOX This is the folder of the Received File from Mobile
outbox_folder string OUTBOX This is the Folder where GoOpenDrop will check for Sending Files to Mobile
owl_wlan_dev_name string wlan1 Wlan Interface Name to used for Owl
owl_channel_6_44_149 string 6 wlan Channel to used for Owl
os_downloadedfiles_owner string Os Username to change received files owner to
awdl_interface_name string awdl0 The Interface name to set Owl to
thumbnail_picture_jp2 string fixed_thumbnail.jp2 GoOpenDrop will use this file as thumbnail for /Ask requests, file should be of type JP2000, size 540x540
ble_device string hci0
airdrop_appleid string The Apple ID Account used in Extracting Keys, this used even for broadcasting proper BLE Beacons
airdrop_email string Can be Same as Apple ID
airdrop_phone string any number will do
airdrop_server_hostname string GoOpenDrop The device Name that will appear which mobile phone discover GoOpenDrop
airdrop_server_model string MacbookPro5.1 No need to modify this
airdrop_server_port int 8772 No need to modify this
apple_root_cert string certs/apple_root_ca.pem Apple Root Certificate, already included in this repo
extracted_certififcate string keys/certificate.pem Extracted Certificate
extracted_certkey string keys/key_noenc.pem Extracted Certificate Key, after removing the encryption
extracted_validation_recoed string keys/validation_record.cms Extracted Validation Record

Sending/Receving Files:

To Send Files, Create a folder in "OUTBOX" with the device name of the receiver, just drop any files there, they will be sent once the device is discovered.

Receiving, GoOpenDrop will accept any file and will create a folder in INBOX with the device name of the sender. You can customize this functionality by modifying the file:

func checkSender(name string) bool {
    // ADD INTEGRATION HERE IF NEEDED, You can call your own API server to decide accept or reject /Ask request 
    return true 



To build simply run the scripts:




The build scripts will copy all required files along with the binary to out folder


At the moment, since GoOpenDrop restart BLE interface, wlan interface, it requires to run as Root.

run GoOpenDrop compiled

sudo ./goopendrop ./config.json

Issues/Limitations and security

Tested Wifi Module :

Tested Hardware/os:

Compatible Wifi Modules

For compatible Wifi Modules with Active Monitoring, check this awesome shortlist:

I've only tested the ones listed above, other on the list should work as long as they have Active Monitoring

I have not tested patched Wifi Module or running Owl with -n for nexamon patched interfaces