# Avalonia.PropertyGrid
This is a PropertyGrid implementation for Avalonia, you can use it in Avalonia Applications.
Its main features are:
settingUse the source code of this project directly or use NUGet Packages:
Then add PropertyGrid to your project, and bind the object to be displayed and edited to the DataContext
property. If you want to bind multiple objects, just bind IEnumerable
If you want to edit an object in PropertyGrid, you only need to directly set this object to the DataContext
property of PropertyGrid, PropertyGrid will automatically analyze the properties that can support editing, and edit it with the corresponding CellEdit. At the same time, you can also use Attributes in System.ComponentModel and System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations to mark these properties, so that these properties have some special characteristics.
Support but not limited to these:
System.ComponentModel.CategoryAttribute /* set property category */
System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute /* used to hide a property */
System.ComponentModel.ReadOnlyAttribute /* make property readonly */
System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute /* set friendly name */
System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute /* set long description text */
System.ComponentModel.PasswordPropertyTextAttribute /* mark text property is password */
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.EditableAttribute /* mark list property can add/remove/clear elements */
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.RangeAttribute /* set numeric range */
System.Runtime.Serialization.IgnoreDataMemberAttribute /* used to hide a property */
In addition, there are other classes that can be supported in PropertyModels.ComponentModel and PropertyModels.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations, which can assist in describing class properties.
If you want to have some associations between your class properties, for example, some properties depend on other properties in implementation, then you can try to mark this dependency with PropertyModels.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.DependsOnPropertyAttribute
but you need to inherit your class from PropertyModels.ComponentModel.ReactiveObject, otherwise you need to maintain this relationship by yourself, just trigger the PropertyChanged event of the target property when the dependent property changes.
PropertyModels.ComponentModel.FloatPrecisionAttribute /* set float percision */
PropertyModels.ComponentModel.IntegerIncrementAttribute /* set integer increment by button*/
PropertyModels.ComponentModel.WatermarkAttribute /* set water mark, it is text hint*/
PropertyModels.ComponentModel.MultilineTextAttribute /* make text edit can edit multi line text */
PropertyModels.ComponentModel.ProgressAttribute /* use progress bar to dipslay numeric value property, readonly */
PropertyModels.ComponentModel.TrackableAttribute /* use trackbar to edit numeric value property */
PropertyModels.ComponentModel.EnumDisplayNameAttribute /* set friendly name for each enum vlaues */
PropertyModels.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.DependsOnPropertyAttribute /* mark this property is depends on the other property */
PropertyModels.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.FileNameValidationAttribute /* mark this property is filename, so control will validate the string directly */
PropertyModels.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.PathBrowsableAttribute /* mark string property is path, so it will provide a button to show path browser*/
PropertyModels.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.VisibilityPropertyConditionAttribute /* set this property will auto refresh all visiblity when this proeprty value changed. */
object which support TypeConverter.CanConvertFrom(typeof(string))
By default, structure properties are not supported. All structure properties need to be customized before they can be displayed.
Implement from System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged and trigger the PropertyChanged event when the property changes. PropertyGrid will listen to these events and automatically refresh the view data.
if you implementing from PropertyModels.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged instead of System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged will gain the additional ability to automatically fire the PropertyChanged event when an edit occurs in the PropertyGrid without having to handle each property itself.
You can also directly inherit PropertyModel.ComponentModel.MiniReactiveObject, PropertyModel.ComponentModel.ReactiveObject. The former only has data change notification capabilities, while the latter also has data dynamic visibility refresh support. If you use ReactiveUI.ReactiveObject directly, then you will not have dynamic visibility support. At this time, you need to monitor the relevant properties yourself, rather than using the RaisePropertyChanged method to throw the corresponding property change event.
DataContext="{Binding simpleObject}"
set CustomPropertyDescriptorFilter, and add your custom process.
private void OnCustomPropertyDescriptorFilter(object? sender, CustomPropertyDescriptorFilterEventArgs e)
if(e.TargetObject is SimpleObject simpleObject&& e.PropertyDescriptor.Name == "ThreeStates2")
e.IsVisible = true;
e.Handled = true;
check MainDemoView.axaml.cs for more information.
You can change the width of namelabel and cell edit by drag here: Or set the NameWidth property of PropertyGrid directly.
If you want to edit multiple objects at the same time, you only need to set the object to DataContext as IEnumerable, for example:
public IEnumerable<SimpleObject> multiObjects => new SimpleObject[] { multiObject0, multiObject1 };
<pgc:PropertyGrid x:Name="propertyGrid_MultipleObjects" Margin="2" DataContext="{Binding multiObjects}"></pgc:PropertyGrid>
Due to complexity considerations, there are many complex types of multi-object editing that are not supported!!!
You can find usage examples directly in Samples
PropertyGrid supports array editing. The array properties here can only be declared using BindingList. Setting [Editable(false)] can disable the creation and deletion functions, which is consistent with the behavior of Array. In addition, in order to support creation functions, the template parameters of BindingList can only be non-pure virtual classes.
Struct properties are not supported.
When PropertyGrid does not provide a built-in CellEdit to edit the target property, there are several possibilities:
public class EncryptData : MiniReactiveObject
public EncryptionPolicy Policy { get; set; } = EncryptionPolicy.RequireEncryption;
public RSAEncryptionPaddingMode PaddingMode { get; set; } = RSAEncryptionPaddingMode.Pkcs1;
#region Expandable
[DisplayName("Expand Object")]
public LoginInfo loginInfo { get; set; } = new LoginInfo();
There are two ways to provide data validation capabilities:
string? _SourceImagePath;
[PathBrowsable(Filters = "Image Files(*.jpg;*.png;*.bmp;*.tag)|*.jpg;*.png;*.bmp;*.tag")]
[Watermark("This path can be validated")]
public string? SourceImagePath
get => _SourceImagePath;
if (value.IsNullOrEmpty())
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(SourceImagePath));
if (!System.IO.Path.GetExtension(value).iEquals(".png"))
throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(SourceImagePath)} must be .png file.");
_SourceImagePath = value;
The second method is to use System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.ValidationAttribute to mark the target property, both system-provided and user-defined. for example:
public class ValidatePlatformAttribute : ValidationAttribute
protected override ValidationResult? IsValid(object? value, ValidationContext validationContext)
if (value is CheckedList<PlatformID> id)
if (id.Contains(PlatformID.Unix) || id.Contains(PlatformID.Other))
return new ValidationResult("Can't select Unix or Other");
return ValidationResult.Success;
[Description("Select platforms")]
public CheckedList<PlatformID> Platforms { get; set; } = new CheckedList<PlatformID>(Enum.GetValues(typeof(PlatformID)).Cast<PlatformID>());
[Range(10, 200)]
public int iValue { get; set; } = 100;
[Range(0.1f, 10.0f)]
public float fValue { get; set; } = 0.5f;
[Range(0.1f, 10.0f)]
public float fValuePrecision { get; set; } = 0.5f;
By setting Attribute, you can make certain Properties only displayed when conditions are met. for example:
public class DynamicVisibilityObject : ReactiveObject
public bool IsShowPath { get; set; } = true;
[VisibilityPropertyCondition(nameof(IsShowPath), true)]
[PathBrowsable(Filters = "Image Files(*.jpg;*.png;*.bmp;*.tag)|*.jpg;*.png;*.bmp;*.tag")]
public string Path { get; set; } = "";
public PlatformID Platform { get; set; } = PlatformID.Win32NT;
[VisibilityPropertyCondition(nameof(Platform), PlatformID.Unix)]
public string UnixVersion { get; set; } = "";
// show more complex conditions...
[DependsOnProperty(nameof(IsShowPath), nameof(Platform), nameof(UnixVersion))]
public bool IsShowUnixLoginInfo => IsShowPath && Platform == PlatformID.Unix && UnixVersion.IsNotNullOrEmpty();
[VisibilityPropertyCondition(nameof(IsShowUnixLoginInfo), true)]
public LoginInfo unixLogInInfo { get; set; } = new LoginInfo();
In this example, you can check IsShowPath first, then set the Platform to Unix, and then enter something in UnixVersion, and you will see the unixLoginInfo field. To do this, you only need to mark the property with a custom Attribute. If you need to implement your own rules, just implement your own rules from.
The implementation behind this depends on IReactiveObject in PropertyModels, you can implement it yourself, or directly derive your Model from ReactiveObject.
One thing to pay special attention to is that any property that needs to be used as a visibility condition for other properties needs to be marked with [ConditionTarget].
The purpose is to let PropertyGrid know that when this property changes, it needs to notify the upper layer to refresh the visibility information.
Implement your PropertyModels.Services.ILocalizationService class, and register its instance by :
LocalizationService.Default.AddExtraService(new YourLocalizationService());
If you want to provide the corresponding language pack for the built-in text, please add the corresponding file to Avalonia.PropertyGrid/Assets/Localizations, and name it with the CultureInfo.Name of the language. for example:
To customize CellEdit, you need to implement a Factory class from AbstractCellEditFactory, and then append this class instance to CellEditFactoryService.Default, such as:
public class TestExtendPropertyGrid : Controls.PropertyGrid
static TestExtendPropertyGrid()
CellEditFactoryService.Default.AddFactory(new Vector3CellEditFactory());
CellEditFactoryService.Default.AddFactory(new CountryInfoCellEditFactory());
CellEditFactoryService.Default.AddFactory(new ToggleSwitchCellEditFactory());
Refer to Extends in Samples for more information.
You can clone this project, and open Avalonia.PropertyGrid.sln, build it and run Avalonia.PropertyGrid.Samples, you can view this.
This page shows the basic functions of PropertyGrid, including the display of various properties and the default editor, etc.
Test all adjustable appearance properties.
Here you can verify data changes and auto-reload functionality.
You can verify the function of multi-object editing here. Note:
some properties do not support editing multiple objects at the same time.
Here shows how to create a custom object based on ICustomTypeDescriptor.
In custom AbstractCellEditFactory, there are only two methods that must be overridden:
HandleNewProperty is used to create the control you want to edit the property, You need to pass the value out through the interface of the framework after the UI edits the data, so as to ensure that other related objects receive the message notification and save the undo redo command.
public override Control? HandleNewProperty(PropertyCellContext context)
var propertyDescriptor = context.Property;
var target = context.Target;
if (propertyDescriptor.PropertyType != typeof(bool))
return null;
ToggleSwitch control = new ToggleSwitch();
control.SetLocalizeBinding(ToggleSwitch.OnContentProperty, "On");
control.SetLocalizeBinding(ToggleSwitch.OffContentProperty, "Off");
control.IsCheckedChanged += (s, e) =>
SetAndRaise(context, control, control.IsChecked);
return control;
HandleProeprtyChanged method is used to synchronize external data. When the external data changes, the data is reacquired and synchronized to the control.
public override bool HandlePropertyChanged(PropertyCellContext context)
var propertyDescriptor = context.Property;
var target = context.Target;
var control = context.CellEdit!;
if (propertyDescriptor.PropertyType != typeof(bool))
return false;
ValidateProperty(control, propertyDescriptor, target);
if (control is ToggleSwitch ts)
ts.IsChecked = (bool)propertyDescriptor.GetValue(target)!;
return true;
return false;
For example:
Under normal circumstances, PropertyGrid does not automatically handle structure properties, because structures have certain particularities. To support such internally unsupported types, you need to extend PropertyGrid yourself. This example shows how to support and edit the structure SVector3.
There is also an example of SelectableList customization for reference.
More details can be seen in the file TestExtendPropertyGrid.cs.
Show Dynamic Visibility
If you check 'IsShowPath', the Path can be edited.
If you select Unix in Platform and input anything in UnixVersion, you can edit the extra properties.
This example shows how to implement undo and redo functions based on the built-in undo-redo framework.
Show PropertyGrid's properties.
This example shows how to use PropertyGrid through the Nuget package.
property to obsolete. It is recommended to use the DataContext mechanism directly to provide data to the PropertyGrid;
add custom property visibility filter support.v11.0.10.1
property is deleted, please use DataContext
to notify the processing of ReadOnly tags. You can customize your ReadOnly behavior through this interface. For example, by default ReadOnly is handled by setting IsEnabled to false. If your control supports better read-only effects, you can customize it by overriding this method. For example, when it comes to String and number, the IsReadOnly property is more suitable than IsEnabled because it can better support users to copy the content in the control.v11.1.4.2