bogaziciswe / b.w.a.t

Bogazici Web Annotation Tool
MIT License
4 stars 1 forks source link

Build Status


Bogazici Web Annotation Tool

This tool is created as term project for Fall 2016 Boğaziçi University Software Engineering SWE 574 Software Development as a Team class.

For more detailed information about the project, please refer to Wiki page.

Reporting and Logging

Issue System and Issue Tracking

Technologies and Design Principles

Loading Client Extension Module on Firefox

  1. Clone client-side code base on your local hard-drive.

  2. Open up Firefox and type about:debugging as url.

  3. Click on Load Temporary Addon button, select any-file , preferably manifest.json, to load up.

  4. Extension should be loaded. Notice that in order to use extension navigate into any website.